Conservation Teams - 2024

Conservation Teams

by Jim Wylie, Chapter Conservation vice chair

The Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter has eight (8) conservation teams that focus on a wide array of state-level environmental issues from clean and dirty energy to water quality and public lands and beyond. These teams are composed of volunteers from across the state. 

Learn about our conservation teams and how you can get involved! Click here to find out about meetings, news updates, projects, and contact info

Climate & Energy Teams

  • Clean Energy
  • Dirty Energy
  • Transportation

Quality of Life Teams

  • Air Quality
  • Water Quality 
  • Public Lands
  • Zero Waste
  • Food and Agriculture
Conservation Teams

All-Hands Meetings

New for 2024, there will be quarterly meetings that bring together members of all Conservation Teams into 2 tracks: Climate & Energy (hosted by PA Chapter Clean Energy Program Advocate Nate Reagle) and Quality of Life (hosted by PA Deputy Director Sarah Corcoran).

You can register for the quarterly meetings (all video conferences) by clicking on the specific event in the Conservation Teams Calendar. Look for the quarterly Climate & Energy and Quality of Life meetings in March, June, September and December, which are "all-hands" meetings for the two groups of teams: energy related, and quality of life related. There will be no individual team meetings during these months.

  • March 14 at 6:30 pm - Climate & Energy All-Hands Mtg - REGISTER
  • March 20 at 7:00 pm - Quality of Life All-Hands Mtg - REGISTER


Regular Team Meetings

You can register for the Conservation Team meetings (all video conferences) by clicking on the specific event in the Conservation Teams Calendar.

Join the email list or ask a question of any of the Conservation Teams.

Potential New Teams

A couple of new teams are being considered. We’ll talk about kicking these off during the March All-Hands meetings:

  • Climate Education - focusing on tracking the latest science about rising temps, sea levels and the impacts to flora and fauna, especially in Pennsylvania. Keep our Chapter leaders advised and develop materials that local volunteers can share with their communities.
  • Sustainable Development - can major new industrial and housing projects in Pennsylvania be done sustainably? Or is Sustainable Development an oxymoron? Volunteers with knowledge about this issue can exchange ideas about advocating for responsible development.

If you are interested in joining and/or leading one of these new teams, contact Jim Wylie, SC/PA Conservation Vice Chair