Sierra Club Pennsylvania’s volunteer lobbying program trains advocates to effectively communicate with their state legislators about environmental issues.
Volunteer lobbyists coordinate closely with Sierra Club Pennsylvania’s legislative director and staff organizers to make their voice heard in Harrisburg!
Contact Melissa Farr, Senior Distributed Organizer, to join the volunteer lobbying program or to learn more:

New to Volunteer Lobbying?
Get started by reviewing the Volunteer Lobbying Introductory Training video.
Then, complete the Volunteer Lobbying Program Intake Form to tell us more about yourself and which legislators represent you.
Sign Up for Legislative Updates (checkmark “Yes, please!” under Additional Questions).
Register for upcoming Volunteer Lobbying events and trainings.
Ready to take action?
Share research about your state legislator by filling out the State Legislator Research Report.
Let us know you are planning to take action or request support by completing the Volunteer Lobbying Action Plan.
After reaching out to your state legislator, let us know how it went on the Volunteer Lobbying Debrief Report.