Southeastern Pennsylvania Group

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Group (SPG), part of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Sierra Club, is focused on the environmental issues facing the greater Philadelphia area. Our Sierra Club volunteers from Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and Bucks counties are working together to maintain and improve the natural resources of the area and protect it for generations to come. Our mission: Explore, Enjoy and Protect the

Planet, is the root of every project we undertake.

SPG Executive Committee meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm on Zoom (until further notice). Contact for info on how to join the call.

Fill out this Volunteer Interest Form - to be connected with a volunteer leader or ask a question about what our teams are doing.

CACE Philly Team Photo Dec 2023


Local Volunteers Needed

Call For SPG Executive Committee Nominations

Nominate yourself or someone you think would be interested and do a good job serving on the SPG Executive Committee (ExCom). Contact Helena at

In short, this committee is about helping Sierra Club volunteers in the greater Phila area advance their priorities in terms of: environmental protection & education, supporting candidates and legislation that we support, exploring and enjoying the natural world and socializing with other tree huggers.

To accomplish these goals, Sierra Club organizes into Chapters (roughly states) and Groups (regional parts of the Chapter) and elects representatives to an Executive Committee to do a mix of necessary work and exciting and inspirational work. Like:

Administrative tasks: managing funds (our allotment of SC dues and any funds that we raise), documenting meetings (minutes), attending chapter functions (sending a delegate).
Volunteer Support tasks: assigning chairs for various standing committees: newsletter, social media, outings, conservation, political endorsements, fundraising, member support, working with county teams, etc

This year's ExCom election calendar - key dates:

  • September 15 deadline for Candidate submission by nominees to the Nominating Committee 
  • September 29th - NomCom Reports Candidates to Excom.
  • October 13th – Deadline for receipt of ballot issue petitions
  • October 20th - SPG ExCom approves ballot, sent to Chapter Election team
  • By November 8th - Voting Starts - Printer mails postcard, Email Sent w/ballot link to Sierra Club members 
  • December 9th – voting ends
  • December 19th  - Election Committee Counts the Ballots
  • By December 31th - Election Committees validates election and announces new Excom


SPG Volunteer Job Fair and Orientation

The Sierra Club in Southeastern PA is seeking to build its statewide and regional volunteer organization with passionate and responsible volunteers ranging from volunteer support type roles to conservation and outings leadership (or co-leadership) roles.

Our county teams are organizing now. View the latest orientation and volunteer opportunities on the SPG Volunteer page

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