An Update on Climate & Community Resources

By Jim Wylie

A quick update to the November 20 article "Spreading The Word About Climate & Community Resources" which promoted an in-person event planned for December 9 in King of Prussia, PA.

The event was hosted by Community Advocates for Clean Energy in the greater Philadelphia region. Attendees learned about the resources available from the Biden Administration's Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) for both individuals (in the form of tax credits and (soon) rebates) and grant opportunities major projects to help improve communities' "livability". 

Volunteers attending the CACE Philly Event


Schools can apply for grants for electric school buses. Community advocate organizations and local governments can get help with projects like shade trees, trails and workforce training. Water agencies can get funding to replace lead pipelines and test and treat for PFAS contaminants in water systems.

Find the slide deck and presentation recording on the front page of the Community Advocates for Clean Energy website.

On a related note, I wanted to share some news about the Solar Adopters Conference hosted by the Chester County Environment and Energy Advisory Board (EEAB), of which I am a member. The January 18 hybrid event was a chance for commercial energy users in the area to hear about the state of solar in PA and the region, hear from the Department of Energy about federal incentives for onsite solar, incentives from the local utility (PECO) and how to tie clean energy project costs to property taxes instead of the current owner.

Find further info and the January 18 presentation slide deck at the Chester County EEAB page.

Solar Adopters Conference

2024 is looking to be an incredibly important year for community and clean energy project planning, financial commitments and spreading the news about available resources. Spread the word. Get stakeholders engaged. Take action on climate!