Act Now: Tell the EPA to Finalize the Strongest Possible Solutions for Pollution!

Act Now: Tell the EPA to Finalize the Strongest Possible Solutions for Pollution!

By Melissa Farr, Senior Distributed Organizer, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter

Urgency. If you’re anything like me, and I suspect you are as a Sierra Club supporter, you’re not just thinking about the urgency of climate action - you’re feeling it. I will also readily admit that it can be exhausting to sort through which actions to prioritize when every action seems equally urgent, equally critical for the preservation of our future world.

And so with that in mind, I’m asking you to harness that feeling of urgency and take one simple action today - sign our petition calling on President Biden and EPA Administrator Regan to finalize the strongest possible pollution standards by May 2024.

Over the course of the last few years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed rules that will not only address Trump-era rollbacks, but can also significantly advance clean air and clean water standards. We celebrated the release of the final methane rule in December, but other rules have yet to be finalized, including those addressing vehicle emissions, mercury and other air toxins, power plant wastewater, appliance efficiency, and more. You can review brief descriptions of the rules here.

So why the urgency today? The clock is ticking. When rules are released, they are subject to review by Congress. And, we may not be able to rely on Congress to support strong pollution standards (or the President’s veto) if the outcome of the November election is less than favorable for our movement. Finalizing the rules by May will help to ensure the rules remain in place. There’s no time to waste. Sign the petition today and please share widely with your friends, family, and networks!

This blog was included as part of the February 2024 Sylvanian newsletter. Please click here to check out more articles from this edition!