Introducing Ready For 100 Pittsburgh!

Could Pittsburgh become the first industrial city in the U.S. to run on 100 percent clean and renewable energy? That’s our vision and the newly launched Ready for 100 campaign in Pittsburgh is working to make it a reality. 

My name is Eva and I’m thrilled to join the Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter team. Through my program, I will be working with volunteers to get Pittsburgh to commit to 100% clean energy with a plan that centers our most vulnerable communities. Already, nearly 30 cities across the country have committed to 100% renewables (including Atlanta, Georgia and Madison, Wisconsin), and nearly 60 mayors across the country have endorsed that vision. There’s no reason that Pittsburgh shouldn’t be standing beside these cities.

As a Pittsburgh native, I am dedicated to protecting the place I call home and to pushing our city to lead. Right now, our federal and state governments will not act on climate change so it’s more important than ever to create lasting change at a local level.

Pittsburgh has a rich history of innovation and resiliency. We rebuilt ourselves once after the steel mills shut down and we can rebuild ourselves again. If a town once defined by steel and coal can transition to 100% energy, why can’t everybody?

Ready For 100 Logo

Our mayor and our city government have already taken a stand in supporting clean and renewable energy:

By all measures, Pittsburgh is poised for change.

Pittsburgh can be the first industrial city in the country to make the commitment and it’s up to us to make sure that they do. We need an inspiring campaign that shares the vision of 100 percent clean, renewable energy, a future that brings local jobs to those who have suffered the worst from the pollution of our industrial past, that stabilizes our electricity bills and eases the burden on low-income communities, and lowers asthma rates. More importantly, we need a campaign that ensures all the right voices are at the table — voices that have long been excluded from the conversation.

We’ve just launched the Pittsburgh Ready For 100 Campaign and volunteers have already collected hundreds of petitions, signed on dozens of businesses and non-profits, and written dozens of letters to the editor. Our campaign has even made it into the Post-Gazette and The Incline

As you can see, there will be opportunities both big and small to get involved and I’m really thrilled to help transform Pittsburgh and I hope to do so alongside you. Will you join me?

Eva on a mountain!

A proud, lifelong Pittsburgher, Eva is thrilled to be fighting for a brighter future for Pittsburgh and in her spare time can be found climbing various mountains and singing her heart out. If you'd like to get involved with Ready For 100 Pittsburgh or would like to learn more, send her an email or give her a call.