It's up to us: a message from our director

You may know me by my name, my title, or my positions on environmental policy.

Maybe you know what I look like, how my voice sounds, or what I think about Harrisburg politics. As we move into the increasingly difficult -- but essential -- work before us, there are other things I want you to know.

I want you to know that despite all evidence to the contrary, I believe in the possibility of justice.

Photo of our Chapter Director Joanne Kilgour speaking at the Pennsylvania Capitol

I want you to know that even after the events of November 8, I believe in our democracy. I want you to know that I believe in meaningful social change and that even when I cannot sleep at night thinking of all the suffering, greed, and environmental degradation in this state, I am still moved to get up and put my belief into action.

Many of the people and places we love are threatened and our communities may feel more divided than ever.

But we must resist the temptation to fight for just a single issue and work instead to dismantle the systems of oppression that underlay them all.

Women, people of color, Muslims, immigrants, trans people, those with disabilities -- millions of Americans continue to be marginalized with their very lives at stake.

Our lives and our lived experiences are as complex and varied as the social identities that define us so our organizing must be intersectional and  our strategy must not be built around the environment alone.

This year, we will be exploring how our work can address these challenges to our democracy and we look forward to learning with you along the way. Will you join us?

Joanne Kilgour, Esq. 
Director, Sierra Club PA Chapter