Introducing Ashley Funk, Vice Chair

Like Jim, I want to thank the past and present leadership of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Sierra Club for their dedication and vision as we move our work across the state forward. As Vice Chair, I’m looking forward to supporting Jim, our volunteers, and our incredible Chapter staff as we work to protect the people, communities, and ecosystems we all call home.

I’m a lifelong resident of the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern Pennsylvania, which is known for its beautiful hiking trails, whitewater rivers, ski slopes, and other recreational opportunities. In fact, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater - which is a short drive from my home - was recently named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I’m grateful to call this beautiful region home.

At the same time, the Laurel Highlands has also served as a stronghold of the coal industry for generations, and my experiences growing up next to abandoned mine waste sites has inspired my work as a community organizer. I currently work at Mountain Watershed Association, home of the Youghiogheny Riverkeeper, where we support communities throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania who are impacted by shale gas and coal mining development. We also actively clean up our watershed by building, operating, and maintaining abandoned mine drainage treatment systems. Through our work, streams that once flowed orange can support life again.

Prior to my work with Mountain Watershed Association, I worked with Our Children’s Trust as the lead plaintiff on legal action against the state of Pennsylvania for not taking adequate measures to address climate change in our state. The same year I filed my lawsuit against the state at the age of 17, I became a member of the Sierra Club. For several years, I actively worked with the Sierra Student Coalition to build up the leadership skills of young organizers through their summer training program, SProg. Through both of these experiences, I began to learn about the shortfalls of our state’s legal system, as well as the incredible power of leadership development and grassroots organizing. It’s been almost a decade since I first embarked on my journey with both of those experiences, and I still carry their lessons with me in my work.

I’m looking forward to serving as Vice Chair in order to bring my perspective, learnings, and community organizing experience to help support the work that is underway throughout the state. I’m excited to help build up the leadership of our Chapter while also connecting with existing volunteers throughout the state. Feel free to connect - or reconnect - with me, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you find yourself visiting the Laurel Highlands!

Ashley Funk