Soliciting nominations for the 2020 Chapter Executive Committee!

Every year the Pennsylvania Chapter conducts an election for three at-large delegates to the Pennsylvania Chapter ExCom. We the Nominating Committee of the Chapter are seeking candidates for this year's openings. The requirements to serve are to be a member in good standing in the Sierra Club and a willingness to serve. Any expertise or skill that would help the Chapter is a plus, but willingness to serve is the most important qualification.

If you wish to help the Chapter in its mission to protect Pennsylvania’s air, soils, waters, forests, and our quality of life by helping the Chapter, please contact the Nominating Committee by October 31st. You will need to provide us with a candidate statement (200 words or less) telling voters why you are running and any special qualities you bring. We also need a picture.

Thank you for carefully considering our call to strengthen the Chapter is its work.

The Chapter Nominating Committee

Patti Fenstermacher, Tracey Daniels, Jack Miller