Report from the Ready For 100 National Gathering!

My name is Emily and I’m a newly minted volunteer for the Ready for 100 Campaign. Last month I had the privilege of attending the Ready for 100 National Gathering. Held in Miami just before the United States Conference of Mayors, the gathering consisted of seventy-four activists from across the country convening for three days. It intended to connect the local campaigns so we could establish our own networks and be able to use each other as resources and guidance.

I can confidently say that it did that and more. We spent our time together talking about our triumphs and our challenges. Frequently tips were shared about what has helped us accomplish our goals and we collaborated with people from other cities about strategy. Fantastic speakers gave us encouragement and wisdom. The National Team educated us about communication tactics and how to best use the resources we have available.

But the gathering carried meaning for me even outside the walls of the conference room, we laughed and shared cell phone numbers. We held meetings in pools. We walked along the beaches and talked about what drove us to take part in this message. We enjoyed semi-impromptu dance parties. We ate meals together and talked about our towns and why they matter. The gathering culminated to a spectacular aerial photo taken in the early hours of the last day, which called out for mayors to support our campaign.

It was incredibly inspiring to meet with other like-minded people and to hear of their own triumphs. The whole experience really showed me that this campaign is not an isolated unit. It is a part of something larger that transcends distance and culture. The campaign is an American sign of progress, and I am fortunate enough to play a part in it.

Aerial shot of the phrase "100+ Mayors <3 Clean Energy" spelled out by RF100 leaders on a beach