Press Releases

October 16, 2020

Today, ignoring evidence about the serious threat Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline would pose to Minnesota’s clean water, an administrative law judge issued a determination downplaying the impact of the pipeline on waterways along its route. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Commissioner Laura Bishop is expected to make a decision on a water crossing permit for the pipeline by November 14.

October 16, 2020

FERC approved PJM’s compliance filing for the Minimum Office Price Rule (MOPR) today, moving forward with the disastrous rule that will block most new renewable energy resources from the PJM capacity market.

October 16, 2020

Nationwide — The 10th annual National Drive Electric Week, a widespread celebration of electric vehicles (EVs), was held September 26–October 4 and hosted over 150 online events. 

October 16, 2020

Today, former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler finalized another rollback of clean water protections, which will allow utilities to keep dumping enormous quantities of toxic coal ash into unlined, leaking, and structurally unsound coal ash ponds -- putting tens of thousands of families at risk.

October 15, 2020

Sierra Club, EDF Action, LCV, NRDC Action Fund, & NWF Action Fund Join Forces to Mobilize Members in Support of Environmental Champions for Congress and the White House

14 de octubre de 2020

Durante el tercer día de sus audiencias de confirmación para la Corte Suprema, la Jueza Amy Coney Barrett rechazó hoy dos veces reconocer y aceptar la realidad de la crisis climática.

13 de octubre de 2020

Durante el segundo día de la confirmación a la Corte Suprema de Amy Coney Barrett, el Senador John Kennedy (R-LA) le preguntó si tenía “opiniones sobre el cambio climático”.

October 14, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, during the third day of her confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett twice refused to acknowledge and accept the reality of the climate crisis. Following her remarks yesterday that she is “not a scientist” and “has no firm views” on climate change, today she expanded to say she is “not competent to opine on what causes global warming or not,” doesn’t think that her “views on global warming or climate change are relevant to the job I would do as a judge,” and called climate change a “very contentious matter of public debate.”

October 14, 2020

OUC announced today that they would stop burning coal for power by 2027 and would get 92% of their energy from renewable sources by 2050

October 13, 2020

During the second day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) asked her if she has “opinions on climate change.” Barrett responded by saying she’s “not a scientist” and that she does not have “firm views on it.”