WASHINGTON — On Friday, President Trump’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced they will issue the deepwater port license for Delfin LNG, a liquefied “natural” gas (LNG) export terminal proposed off the coast of Cameron, Louisiana. Existing LNG operations are seriously impacting the health, safety and livelihoods of residents and commercial shrimpers and fishers in the area.
Press Releases
MIDDLEBOROUGH, MA. – The Middleborough Select Board has approved a resolution requiring the city to avoid, when possible, the purchase or use of products containing fluorinated chemicals including perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds, called PFAS or “forever chemicals.” This marks the third municipal resolution against purchasing products with PFAS in Massachusetts, following
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This evening, Donald Trump issued an executive order that will prioritize the mining efforts of corporate polluters over other uses on public lands.
Broad Coalition Backed by 156,000+ Tells Trump Admin that LNG Exports Are Not in the Public Interest
Today, the Department of Energy (DOE) concluded its comment period on the 2024 LNG Export Study: Energy, Economic, and Environmental Assessment of U.S. LNG Exports. A broad coalition of local residents, fishermen, economists, environmental organizations, and veterans submitted comments telling the Trump Administration that LNG exports are not in the public interest.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Department of the Interior announced it would take steps to vastly increase oil and gas drilling on wild Alaska landscapes, revoking protections for public lands and effectively handing them over to Big Oil CEOs.
BOSTON – Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced the launch of Boston Energy Saver, a new program set to help Boston residents and small businesses access financial incentives and credits from the state’s Mass Save program.
Move Raises Concerns About Growing Systemic Financial Risks
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Department of Energy conditionally approved exports from one of Venture Global's controversial liquefied methane gas export projects, CP2 LNG, despite the devastating effects the facility would have on local communities, climate, and energy prices nationwide.
Today, Donald Trump is meeting with oil and gas executives, including members of the American Petroleum Institute, at the White House.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit today affirmed the public’s right to access millions of acres of public land across the West via corner crossing. Conservation and environmental justice groups, who filed an amicus brief in the case last year, celebrated today’s decision.