Andy Li,
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Department of Energy conditionally approved exports to non-free trade agreement countries from one of Venture Global's controversial liquefied methane gas export projects, CP2 LNG, using an inadequate approval process and despite the devastating effects the facility would have on local communities, climate, and energy prices nationwide. The approval was made following an order from Donald Trump to expedite approvals of LNG exports, but final approval from DOE will need to utilize the updated economic and environmental analysis released last year and forthcoming environmental review from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Proposed by Venture Global, CP2 LNG would generate pollution equivalent to the emissions from more than 47 million gasoline-powered cars or 53 coal-fired power plants.. The facility would be located adjacent to the existing Venture Global Calcasieu Pass LNG facility and less than two miles from the proposed Commonwealth LNG facility. CP2 is sited for an area that has more low-income residents than 88% of the country.
Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG has already exposed the surrounding community to dangerous air pollution well in excess of permit limits in over 130 incidents since it began operations in 2022. Fishermen have reported a dramatic impact on their livelihoods since the commencement of Calcasieu Pass operations, highlighting the severe negative impact of gas exports on the local economy and environment.
In response, Sierra Club Director of Beyond Fossil Fuels Policy Mahyar Sorour released the following statement:
“CP2 LNG will be a disaster for local communities devastated by pollution, American consumers who will face higher costs, and the global climate crisis that will be supercharged by the project’s emissions. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission had to reconsider its approval of the project after it failed in 2024 to consider the cumulative impacts of air pollution. By conditionally approving exports from this massive project, Trump’s Department of Energy is once again failing to protect the American people from an unnecessary LNG project set to generate billions for corporate executives and leave everyday people with higher energy costs. Despite his hollow promises on the campaign trail, Trump continues to fail to prioritize the livelihoods and future of our country over the profits of the dirty fossil fuel industry.”
About the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit