Senator Costa Announces PA Climate Legislation

Last Thursday, Senators Costa and Fontana announced legislation to reduce statewide greenhouse-gas emissions 30 percent by 2025 in line with Paris Climate goals in a press conference in Pittsburgh that Sierra Club PA helped put together.

Senator Jay Costa speaks to a crowd and the media about the important of building a clean energy economy with a crowd holding signs behind him

Photo courtesy of Mark Dixon, Blue Lens LLC

Not only did we have legislators speaking out in support of climate action but there were also faith leaders, businesses, a wide array of advocates for public transit and solar, and a strong turnout from Sierra Club volunteer leaders and staff.

Joanne Kilgour, our inspiring and fearless Chapter Director, spoke alongside the senators and city leaders: "If we don't act, we're ignoring a threat not just to the environment but a threat to justice and the wellbeing of our communities."

Joanne Kilgour speaks at Senator Costa's Climate Press Conference

In the absence of leadership in the White House, we must look to our communities and home for that leadership, leadership that was in that room: strong and outspoken voices for climate, environmental justice, and good jobs.

A huge thanks to Joanne Kilgour and Tom Schuster for pulling together the logistics of the event, speaking, and to Randy Francisco, Tom Torres, Tom Hoffman, Rachel Martin, and many Sierra Club volunteers who took their lunch hour to show up and create big turnout  during the weekday to show our state leadership: this is an issue that Pennsylvanians care about.

Read the bill, SB-15 here and check out coverage in the City Paper and Public News Service.


Eva Resnick-Day

Eva Resnick-Day works with Sierra Club volunteers to fight for a community-led, affordable, and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy in Pittsburgh. If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact Eva Resnick-Day. If you want to learn more about PA Legislative work, contact State Director Joanne Kilgour