Lauren Lantry

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Press Releases

Scott Pruitt can only blame himself for his scandals

Today, in the White House Press Briefing, Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt still has a job and how his behavior is corresponds…

Sierra Club Launches TV Ad Calling for Trump to Fire Pruitt

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club began airing a TV ad on Fox and Friends calling for Trump to fire Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. The ads will air on Wednesday…

BREAKING: Inhofe Just Said Pruitt should Resign?

Today, Senator Jim Inhofe, a former staunch Scott Pruitt ally, was asked whether Pruitt should resign if the allegations of his abuse of taxpayer funds, illegal spending, and other misconduct are…

You know Pruitt’s in trouble when even Senator Inhofe won’t defend him

The walls of Scott Pruitt’s support keep tumbling down. Yesterday, Politico reported that even staunch Pruitt ally Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is supportive of holding hearings by the Senate Environment…

Pruitt Now Faces his TENTH Federal Investigation

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the EPA Inspector General announced another investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s questionable ethics. This, the tenth federal investigation into Pruitt, one…

161 Senators and Members of Congress Call on Pruitt to Resign

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Led by Senator Tom Udall and Representative Kathy Castor, 161 senators and members of Congress have signed a resolution calling for EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s resignation.…

McConnell on Pruitt: “it’s really up to the President to decide”

Mitch McConnell was asked during a Senate Republican Leadership press conference today to make clear whether he feels Scott Pruitt is fiscally responsible. Though he had not been asked whether Pruitt…

Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt Broke Federal Law Edition Scott Pruitt’s ability to constantly embarrass Donald Trump will seemingly never end. Yesterday, news broke that Pruitt is no longer just violating a litany of ethical norms, but also

Scott Pruitt’s ability to constantly embarrass Donald Trump will seemingly never end. Yesterday, news broke that Pruitt is no longer just violating a litany of ethical norms, but also federal law.…

Scott Pruitt Broke the Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency, announced that Scott Pruitt violated federal law by spending more than $43,000 to install a private…

Things keep getting worse for Scott Pruitt

Things keep getting worse for Scott Pruitt. On Friday, Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of House Oversight, announced he’s expanding his investigation into Pruitt’s litany of unethical actions.…