McConnell on Pruitt: “it’s really up to the President to decide”

Mitch McConnell was asked during a Senate Republican Leadership press conference today to make clear whether he feels Scott Pruitt is fiscally responsible. Though he had not been asked whether Pruitt should be fired, McConnell’s very first response was that it’s the President’s decision who is on his team -- making clear that McConnell envisions the possibility of Pruitt departing over the many ethical and spending scandals engulfing him by the minute.

It certainly speaks to assumptions on Capitol Hill about Pruitt that Senate leadership is commenting on whether or not he should be fired without even being asked.



Reporter: “There’s been some criticism of the President’s EPA administrator for spending tens of thousands of dollars on private phone booths and taking private flights. Do you think that Scott Pruitt is fiscally responsible?”

Sen. McConnell: “Well, it’s up to the President to decide who his team is. Mr. Pruitt has already been confirmed by the Senate. Substantively, I think he has done an excellent job, certainly, in a state like mine he’s a welcome change from what was there before. But it’s really up to the President to decide who his team is and whether he wants to continue the EPA administrator.”

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