Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt Broke Federal Law Edition Scott Pruitt’s ability to constantly embarrass Donald Trump will seemingly never end. Yesterday, news broke that Pruitt is no longer just violating a litany of ethical norms, but also

Scott Pruitt’s ability to constantly embarrass Donald Trump will seemingly never end. Yesterday, news broke that Pruitt is no longer just violating a litany of ethical norms, but also federal law. This has led to not only Republican Congressman and Chair of the House Oversight Committee Trey Gowdy condemning him, but now Republican Senator and Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee John Barrasso criticizing Pruitt’s actions as well.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders should answer the following questions:

  • What is President Trump’s response to his EPA administrator breaking federal law?

  • What is the President’s response that Pruitt is continuing to waste taxpayer funds to enable his lavish lifestyle?

  • What is the President’s response to Pruitt creating the excuse that it was his Chief of Staff who ignored Trump’s orders despite Pruitt’s own friends’ emails proving otherwise??

  • Will President Trump fire Pruitt?

Here’s the latest:

  • The Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency, announced that Scott Pruitt violated federal law by spending more than $43,000 to install a private phone booth in his office, according to a report obtained by ABC News. Pruitt has yet to explain why a second phone booth was needed when one already existed in the building.

  • Senate Environment and Public Works chairman John Barrasso (R-WY) chastised Pruitt for not checking with Congress before purchasing the phone booth, “It is critical that EPA and all federal agencies comply with notification requirements to Congress before spending taxpayer dollars.”

  • The Washington Post reports that rather than continue to use the secure vehicle previous EPA Administrators have ridden in, Pruitt switched to a far more expensive car. Pruitt’s new car costs $10,200 this year alone, and that’s not including the upgrades to include the likes of bullet-resistant covers over bucket seats. The previous car used by the last Administrator is sitting idly, despite Pruitt still charging the taxpayers more than $9,000 to re-up its lease.

  • The EPA Inspector General took the unusual approach of issuing an interim report on Pruitt’s staff raises. The report raises more questions than answers. It fails to explain the reports that the pay raises which violated Donald Trump’s orders originated with Scott Pruitt. Furthermore, despite Pruitt claiming otherwise, the raises have yet to be reversed as Scott Pruitt has claimed.

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