Pruitt Now Faces his TENTH Federal Investigation

EPA Inspector General opens yet another investigation into Pruitt’s use of official security detail

Lauren Lantry, 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the EPA Inspector General announced another investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s questionable ethics. This, the tenth federal investigation into Pruitt, one focuses on his use of official security detail on personal trips to Disneyland, the Rose Bowl and college basketball games.

In response, Sierra Club Resist Campaign Director Maura Cowley released the following statement:

"Scott Pruitt seems to be going for the Guiness World Record for the number of active federal investigations into a single individual. Spoiler: He’ll win. Scott Pruitt should humble himself and stop wasting the taxpayer’s dollar to fund his family vacations, luxury travel around the world, and trips to watch his favorite sports team lose. It’s long past time for Pruitt to resign, or be removed.”


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