Scott Pruitt can only blame himself for his scandals


Lauren Lantry,

Today, in the White House Press Briefing, Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt still has a job and how his behavior is corresponds with Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” given his many ethical scandals including:

  • Paying $50 a night (well below market rate) to live in a condo owned by the wife of an energy lobbyist

  • Ignoring Donald Trump’s orders and directing staff to give raises to top aides

  • Wasting more than $150,000 of taxpayer dollars on first class travel

  • Trying to get his security detail to use their sirens so he could weave through traffic to make a reservation at Le Diplomate

Sanders responded by saying Pruitt is expected to answer for these and the many other ethical transgressions at tomorrow's House hearings.

In response Melinda Pierce, Sierra Club Federal Policy Director made the following comment:

“Tomorrow, Scott Pruitt will have to answer for his many unethical -- and even illegal -- actions. He can try his best to blame everyone but himself, but these scandals all have one thing in common: Scott Pruitt. There’s no explaining away the many scandals that surround Pruitt. It’s time he’s given the boot.”


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