Things keep getting worse for Scott Pruitt

Things keep getting worse for Scott Pruitt. On Friday, Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of House Oversight, announced he’s expanding his investigation into Pruitt’s litany of unethical actions. Gowdy then went on Fox News Sunday where he lambasted Pruitt’s spending, going so far as to say:  

"The notion that I’ve got to fly first class because I don’t want people to be mean to me, you need to go into another line of work if you don’t want people to be mean to you.  Like maybe a Monk,"

“Look, if you sit first class, you’re guaranteed to come in contact with everybody else on the plane. If you really want to avoid people on the plane, sit in the last seat, not the first seat.”

Gowdy’s latest letter is yet another sign of the increasingly bipartisan mess Pruitt is in. This has led to some veteran Pruitt observers commenting that it's “hard to see how long this can last, having key member of GOP in House who is sharply critical of Trump cabinet member--someone who also has subpoena power.”

Today: The EPA Inspector General is expected to the unusual approach of issuing an interim report on Pruitt’s ethics violations, including staff raises.

Leaks of the report raise more questions than answers. Who is in charge at the EPA? Scott Pruitt previously denied knowledge of the pay raises, but that has been proven false.

Why did it take Pruitt nearly a week to come up with the excuse that it was his Chief of Staff that was responsible for overruling Donald Trump’s decision to deny massive pay raises for Pruitt’s friends? Moreover, why is Pruitt’s Chief of Staff signing the section of the form that requires Pruitt’s signature?

The answer to these questions is simple: Scott Pruitt isn’t fit for office and must be removed.

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