Blog posts from around the country
Maryland Chapter
For Immediate Release: Maryland Sierra Club announces more than 50 General Assembly endorsements for 2018 electionsTuesday October 10, 2017Contact: Josh TulkinCell: 650-722-3171
Southeastern Pennsylvania Group / Pennsylvania Chapter / Philadelphia Pennsylvania
On September 13th, the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) commissioners - including Governor Wolf - voted to direct the DRBC staff to develop revised draft rules to be published no later than Nov.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Group / Pennsylvania Chapter / Philadelphia Pennsylvania
The Sierra Club nationwide has prioritized the pursuit of equity, inclusion & justice throughout the organization, especially so since the board made a pivotal decision in 2013 to make this an urgent commitment. There was a realization
Angeles Chapter
Attend the Huntington Beach Desalination Plant Hearing at the State Lands Commission
Idaho Chapter
The U.S, House of Representatives moves to debate H.R. 3144, set to undermine Court orders for salmon recovery. For Idaho, the passage of this bill would ensure the demise our salmon and steelhead fisheries, destroying our natural legacy of…
Houston Group / Lone Star Chapter / Texas
Welcome to the Houston Sierra Club online Bayou Banner newsletter for October 2017. Click the title to see the news this month.