Houston Group

Houston Group

Welcome To the Sierra Club Houston Group

You can view the Houston Sierra Club Outings & Events on Meetup by clicking here. More Meetup Group Instructions and Information can be found by clicking here

We invite everyone to like our Facebook pages, visit often, follow us, and share our posts, and follow and like us on Instagram and Twitter:
Facebook: Houston Sierra Club Environment
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hrgsierraclub
Instagram: http://instagram.com/houstonsierraclub

Houston Group Monthly Programs

Upcoming meetings of the Houston Group of the Sierra Club are on our Meetup pages:

The General Meeting of the Houston Group is the second Thursday of each month, at 7:30.

The Bay Area Sierra Club (in the Clear Lake area) is the third Wednesday of each month, at 7:00.

Both of these meetings are available on Zoom. See the Meetup events, or our Newsletter for the topics this month and Zoom information.


Mission Statement:

The mission of the Houston Sierra Club is to foster the quality of the environment within its territorial limits and to work for the purposes of the Sierra Club, including:   "To protect and conserve the natural resources of the State of Texas, the United States, and the world; to undertake and publish scientific and educational studies concerning all aspects of man's environment and the natural ecosystems of the world; and to educate the people of the United States and the world to the need to preserve and restore the quality of that environment and the integrity of those ecosystems."

Local News and Information