Press Releases

March 26, 2019

Washington, DC -- Today, Mitch McConnell’s rushed political ploy to force a vote on Senator Markey and Representative Ocasio-Cortez’ nonbinding Green New Deal resolution prior to formal legislation being drafted or any hearings being held backfired. Rather than creating a political wedge, the theatrics and misinformation pushed by Senate Republicans exposed their lack of a sensible plan to combat climate change.

March 26, 2019

Washington, DC-- Moments ago, the House failed to pass a measure that would undo Trump’s veto on a bipartisan resolution to terminate his declaration of a national emergency. The legality of the president’s national emergency-- and its over $9 billion of diverted funds from critical security programs to construction of a border wall-- is now in the hands of the courts where numerous  lawsuits against Trump’s declaration, including the Sierra Club and ACLU’s, will be considered.

March 26, 2019

Washington, DC-- Today, Rep. Lee and Sen. Hirono introduced the Women and Climate Act of 2019-- legislation aimed at developing coordinated strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change on women and girls around the world. Women make up 70% of the world’s one billion poorest people, and these women comprise the majority of our globe’s agricultural workforce, which is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate disruption. The bill would establish a Federal Interagency Working Group on Women and Climate Change within the U.S. Department of State.

March 26, 2019

Washington, DC-- This morning, the Pentagon authorized Congress to move $1 billion ofappropriated funding to build more walls on the US-Mexico border following Donald Trump’s emergency declaration.

March 26, 2019

Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good conceded that because “Atlantic Coast pipeline was sized and designed with a time frame,” the energy giant may need to move on to another project

March 26, 2019

Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) voted to reject a petition to reconsider its approval of the certificate of need for Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline. Local activists filled the hallway outside of the hearing room calling out the recent news that Enbridge spent $11 million last year lobbying to influence Minnesota decision-makers.

March 26, 2019

A new report by the New York Times reveals that Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt buried a Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) analysis of the effects of toxic pesticides on endangered species at the request of the pesticide industry.

March 26, 2019

Today, Idaho Power Company announced a commitment to provide 100 percent carbon-free electricity to customers by 2045.

March 24, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Attorney General Barr released a summary of the Mueller report that raised further questions about Donald Trump’s actions. Barr has a public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, having sent a memo to the Department of Justice arguing that the Special Counsel’s investigation into obstruction of justice was “fatally misconceived,” less than a year ago and prior to his nomination to be Attorney General.

March 22, 2019

Houston, Texas -- The #ITCFire seems to have resumed just minutes ago, with local reporter Levi Ismail documenting a new plume of black smoke above the facility on social media.