
25 de febrero de 2021

La ex gobernadora de Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, fue confirmada por el Senado Federal como secretaria de Energía de la administración Biden.

9 de febrero de 2021

La Comisión Senatorial sobre Medio Ambiente y Obras Públicas ha avanzado la nominación de Michael Regan para servir en la administración del Presidente Biden como administrador de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) tras una sólida votación bipartidista.

27 de enero de 2021

El Presidente Biden emitió una serie de órdenes sobre justicia ambiental.

27 de enero de 2021

El Presidente Biden actuará hoy significativamente para comandar a todo el gobierno federal que ataque la crisis climática de manera justa y equitativa.

January 27, 2021

Washington, D.C. -- Today, President Biden issued a series of sweeping orders on environmental justice.The orders included:

  • Creation of a first-of-its-kind White House environmental justice interagency council to  develop clear performance metrics to promote accountability;

  • Installation of environmental justice officers at all federal agencies to prepare a report of recommendations on how Executive Order 12898 can be strengthened and updated;

20 de enero de 2021

El Presidente Biden firmó hoy una serie de órdenes ejecutivas y tomó otras decisiones, dando así una barrida completa al legado de la administración Trump y marcando el principio del proceso de atacar de lleno la crisis climática.

20 de enero de 2021

El Presidente Joe Biden empezará a actuar de inmediato contra la crisis climática, incluyendo la derogación del “permiso presidencial” para el oleoducto Keystone XL de crudo bituminoso, acabando con el proyecto de una vez por todas.

December 21, 2020

Congress has included $1.375 billion in funding for border wall construction in this year's appropriations package. This request comes just days before President-elect Biden takes office. Biden has publicly mentioned several times his administration will not build another mile of border wall. Border groups are pushing back and calling on Congress to deny all funding for future wall construction, citing harm to communities, landscapes and wildlife. Read the coalition of organizations’ opposition of the funding and call for restoration and mitigation of the borderlands.

December 10, 2020

Updated at 5:10 PM Central on Thursday, December 10, 2020

Kansas City, MO -- It wouldn’t be 2020 without a few curve balls.

Earlier this afternoon, thirty minutes into a coalition press conference calling for--among other things--Evergy to reinstate its utility shutoff moratorium, Evergy tweeted that it was doing just that:

December 8, 2020

Kansas City, MO -- The spread of COVID-19 is raging, but utility disconnect moratoria in Kansas and Missouri have expired. While the near-term distribution of vaccines means the end of the pandemic may be in sight, in the meantime elected and utility leaders need to do everything possible to ensure the very real suffering of people is eased until the pandemic is under control.

December 4, 2020

In the final text version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) released today, Congress has denied the Defense Department’s request to seize more than 1.7 million acres of land in Desert National Wildlife Refuge and other public lands for military bombing ranges. The decision comes after Tribal Nations, conservationists and communities joined to push back on the proposal.

3 de noviembre de 2020

Mientras las autoridades electorales continúan contando votos, la elección presidencial sigue siendo demasiado ajustada para declararla.