Clean Energy for All Series

The bi-monthly series highlights the critical energy issues Pennsylvanians are facing, focusing on the inequitable impacts of dirty fuels on our communities and the challenges of ensuring a just clean energy transition for ALL.

In this series, you will:

  • hear from dynamic organizers fighting on the frontlines of climate justice,
  • learn about the industries and technologies that affect energy opportunities in Pennsylvania, and
  • receive guidance, tools, and support to take immediate action. 

Past Webinars

Pennsylvania's Energy Alphabet

May 22, 2024

Too many energy policy acronyms got your head spinning? From AEPS to PRESS, PACER to RGGI and beyond, there’s a veritable alphabet soup of letters being used to describe the most significant energy and climate policies in Pennsylvania. Check out this primer on all the key energy acronyms and examine their impacts on the Commonwealth.

Talking Trucks & Transit for All

March 5, 2024

Securing clean transportation for everyone requires more than just transitioning to personal electric vehicles. Learn about transforming how people, goods, and services move through the world and the fight for an equitable transit future.

Energy Review 2023

Dec. 5, 2023

Celebrates the key moments of 2023 in Pennsylvania’s transition to clean energy, from the closure of the Homer City Generating Station to the court decisions deciding the fate of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Learn about what we’re looking forward to in 2024 and new opportunities to get involved with bringing Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding to your community.

Solar Success Stories

Sept. 28, 2023

Discover the PEOPLE POWER behind making SOLAR POWER accessible to everyone! Hear from leaders about planning for a solar transformation, overcoming financial and technical barriers, and building community support in the unlikeliest of places.

Energy Equity In Our Homes

June 29, 2023

Highlights the intersection of climate justice and housing justice. Leaders of Philadelphia’s HERE 4 Climate Justice coalition present their movement for housing equity, repair, and electrification and vision for the future.

Hydrogen Perspectives

April 26, 2023

Explores the landscape of hydrogen hub development in Pennsylvania. Examines federal investment in our state, the pros and cons of proposed uses for hydrogen energy, and the potential effects on impacted communities.

Series Introduction

Feb. 15, 2023

Shares the series' foundational principles and frameworks, provides an overview of energy issues, and poses questions about how to make the transition from dirty fuels to clean energy just and equitable.