Comments on the Duke Low Fly Military Operations Area in the PA Wilds

By Sarah Corcoran, Conservation Program Manager
On December 31st, the Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter submitted a comment letter asking the Maryland Air National Guard (MD ANG) to commit to a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and expanded public comment period in regards to their proposal to modify the Duke Military Operations Area (MOA) in the PA Wilds allowing military aircraft to perform low flight training activities in the region. This modification would lower the minimum height requirements from 8,000 ft to 100 ft above ground level and have drastic impacts on the environment and economy of the PA Wilds. Here is a FAQ sheet about the proposal if you would like to learn more. 
The Pennsylvania Chapter has been closely engaged with stakeholder groups from the start on this matter and will be working with these partners moving into the new year. If anyone would like to be involved with this work moving forward, I'd be happy to chat!
Thank you to the folks at the University of Pittsburgh Environmental Law Clinic that helped us prepare our technical comment! Additional thank yous to all of the volunteers who submitted their own comments, signed on to organizational letters and published letters-to-the-editor (LTEs) on this matter. Uplifting two of those LTEs: Lana Gulden's was published in the Daily Item and Amy Ershler's was published in the Lockhaven Express.
Hopefully the MD ANG will listen to the worries of Pennsylvania residents and we will hear response to all of the points that were brought up by so many people. This is not the end of this fight for sure!

 This blog was included as part of the February 2022 Sylvanian newsletter. Please click here to check out more articles from this edition!