Volunteer with Sierra Club!

Sierra Club PA outing participants in front of a forested landscape with the text: Come volunteer with us!

Image by Tom Torres

By Rachel Rosenfeld, Online Organizer, Sierra Club PA Chapter

April is National Volunteer Month, a time to celebrate the incredible work that Sierra Club volunteer leaders do all year round. Without our volunteers, the Pennsylvania Chapter simply would not exist. It’s true! The Chapter is governed by an Executive Committee (ExCom) made up of volunteer leaders from across the state that helps provide strategic direction and organizational support. Our state and local campaigns are driven by volunteer committees, groups, and teams made up of trained and experienced leaders on a variety of environmental issues. 

Throughout the month of April, we’ll be recognizing our dedicated volunteers and highlighting their efforts to lead outings, protect our public lands, fight fossil fuels, address climate change, and pave the way to a 100% clean energy future in Pennsylvania.

Want to volunteer for a team or take action in your local community this month? Take our volunteer interest survey. 

There are endless ways to get involved in our work. Keep reading to learn about a number of exciting opportunities we have going on this month and how you can join us. We would love to have YOUR help!

Pledge to Pick Up in Your Neighborhood for Earth Day

Spring thaw may bring new growth, but it also uncovers a lot of litter hidden during the winter months. In honor of Earth Day, we’re getting in the cleaning mood early and dedicating a whole week to tidying up our communities.

While we would traditionally organize clean-ups around the Commonwealth, this year, due to the pandemic and social distancing, we’re asking you to go outside on your own, or with your family pod during the week of Earth Day, to pick up litter around your community. 

Will you pledge to pick up in your neighborhood during Earth Week from April 17-25th? Take the Pick-Up Pledge!

Make sure to share a picture of your clean up or tell us how many bags of trash you’ve collected during Earth Week and be entered to win some fun Sierra Club swag. 

Write a Letter to Support Our Climate 

Climate change is one the most significant threats we face, and here in Pennsylvania, we are already seeing the effects from more intense storms and flooding. Right now, Pennsylvania is on the verge of implementing a critical climate policy called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to reduce our carbon emissions and we need to get it over the finish line. 

We expect the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to publish a proposed final rule very soon and RGGI opponents will be waiting for their turn. To make sure RGGI gets the green light, we need to spread the word about the important benefits of this carbon reduction program, which is where you come in.

Sign our petition and commit to write a letter to the editor of your local paper in support of RGGI! We’ll provide sample letters and guidance.

Letters to the editor are a strategic way for the public, policymakers, and the press to become more informed about an issue and how the public views it. Write a letter for RGGI today!

Meet Your State Legislators 

Interested in doing more to speak up for the environment in Pennsylvania? Want to engage your state lawmakers in a conversation about climate change and transitioning to 100% clean, renewable energy? Sign up to meet with your legislators!

There are many issues at stake this legislative session in Harrisburg, including: regulating carbon emissions, developing more clean energy, preempting local control, and so much more. Your state representative and state senator need to hear from you. 

We’ll schedule and attend the meetings with you, provide training on the issues, and share lobbying tips so you’re prepared. 

Join a Chapter Conservation Team

Maybe you have a special skill or expertise in a specific environmental issue. We have eight (8) volunteer-led conservation teams that focus on a wide array of state-level environmental topics from energy and water quality to public lands and sustainable agriculture. 

Join one of our upcoming chapter conservation team online meetings and learn what our conservation teams are up to!

Connect with Your Local Group

If you haven’t already, connect with your local Sierra Club Group and learn what is going on in your region. Find your group’s website on the PA Local Groups page

We hope you can join us this month and pitch in for one or more of our Chapter volunteer opportunities. 

“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”. Let’s do this!

 This blog was included as part of the Spring 2021 Sylvanian newsletter. Please click here to check out more articles from this edition!