The Massachusetts Sierra Club is committed to being an actively anti-racist and anti-genocide organization. We know climate justice and racial justice are inextricably linked, which is why we rise in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives list of demands, and why we will continue to learn from and fight alongside racial justice organizations. There will be no climate justice without racial justice.
We acknowledge that, as a predominantly white organization in a predominantly white state, we have not always championed Black and Indigenous rights in our work. While in recent months and years we have made efforts to support and uplift frontline partners, we must continue to center anti-racism in our work.
Beginning in June 2020, the Chapter has been engaged in a process of self-reflection and goal-setting, both as individuals and as a Chapter. In May 2021, we formally launched our 2021 Equity and Justice Roadmap, which is our first iteration of goals as a chapter. You can read more about our process and goals here.
Finally, there are so many ways in which we can all do the work of dismantling white supremacy — work that will not be finished tomorrow, or next week, or next year, but work that will take time and careful thought. It will be difficult and we will not always do things perfectly, but there will be no racial justice if we do not begin right now, today. We have compiled a list of resources which you may find helpful, though it is in no way exhaustive, and we encourage you to spend time exploring other resources you may have access to.