Anti-Racism Resources

Updated June 14, 2024

The Massachusetts Sierra Club is committed to being an actively anti-racist organization. Climate justice and racial justice are inextricably linked, which is why we stand in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives list of demands, and why we will continue to learn from and fight alongside racial justice organizations. There will be no climate justice without racial justice.

We have compiled the following resources on anti-racism, broken into three sections: learning, taking action, and making donations. 

We cannot begin to undo the centuries of systemic racism if we do not understand the issue at hand. We encourage you to spend time learning about the history of racism in the United States. In particular, learn this history through people of color, and learn it through an anti-racism lens. 

18 BIPOC Chiropractic & Holistic Wellness Resources
27 Ways Racism and White Supremacy Impact Housing
28 Days of Black History
41 AAPI Addiction and Mental Health Resources 
5D's of Bystander Intervention 
7 Black Heroes of the American Revolution
7 Ways You Can Help Undocumented Immigrants In The US Right Now
8 to Abolition
A Kind of Revolution 
A Water Emergency Downstream from a National Crisis 
AAPI College Student Resources
Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex
Act to Change
Addiction & Mental Health Resources to Support Black People
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz)
An OffBeet Resource List on Systemic Racism & The Food System
Anti-Racism Daily
Anti-Racism Handout (by Robin DiAngelo)
Anti-Racism Resources 
Anti-Racism Resources to Support the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community (NCAA)
Asian Americans Advancing Justice 
BIPOC Therapists: Empowering the Community through Education and Awareness
Black Lives Matter: Resources
Bystander Intervention Resources (Right To Be, formerly Hollaback!) 
Center for Racial Justice in Education: Trainings
Challenging White Dominant Culture: Time to Look in The Mirror
Concrete Examples of Alternatives to Police
Confederate Symbols Are Pollution
Connecting the dots: COVID-19 and environmental racism 
Creating Change with Effective Protest Tactics, Strategies, and Goals 
Demanding Justice: A History of Domestic Workers (National Domestic Workers Alliance) 
Don't Call The Police
EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
End to all jails, prisons, and immigration detention
Fannie Lou Hamer Speaks! (1965 Pacifica Radio Interview)
Fantasy World Master List of Resources on How to Dismantle Systemic Racism 
Guidance for Reporting and Writing About Racism 
How Central American migrants helped revive the U.S. labor movement 
How Does Race Affect College Admissions? 
How To Be An Antiracist (Ibram X. Kendi)
How White People Got Made 
Index of Enslaved Individuals (a list of all known enslaved people who were associated with the White House) 
Inside the memorial to victims of lynching (60 Minutes) 
I’ve Got Your Back: The Indispensable Guide to Stopping Harassment When You See It (Emily May and Jorge Arteaga) 
Jim Crow of the North 
Korean Ajumma for Black Lives  
Language Justice Toolkit (Communities Creating Healthy Environments)
Let’s learn from our history so we can stop repeating it
Links and Resources for being anti-racist (in the outdoors) (Sierra Club Michigan Chapter)
MA Anti-Asian Racism Townhall Resource Guide
Making and Unmaking the Asian American Movement
Me and White Supremacy (Layla F. Saad) 
Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Students of Color 
Mental Health Resources for Young People of Color
Mossville: When Great Trees Fall 
Movements of hope: Abolition and reparations in these times 
National parks are beautiful—but the way they were created isn’t
National Resource and Education Tool 
Not Equal: Racial Disparities In Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment 
Palestine is a climate justice issue  
People Of Color Lack Equal Access To Medications For Opioid Treatment 
Prison Labor Dataset (Samuel Sinyangwe)
Public Health Resources for Understanding Environmental Racism 
Race and ethnicity: How it affects your risk of Cancer
Race as a Social Construction
Racial Equity Tools: Strategies
Racial Justice is Climate Justice: Racial Capitalism and the Fossil Economy
Racial Trauma in Film: How Viewers Can Address Re-traumatization
Racism Is Killing the Planet (Hop Hopkins)
Recognizing Race in Language: Why We Capitalize “Black” and “White” 
Reparations (M4BL)  
Reparations June 
Reparations June Webinar 
Reparations for the War on Drugs 
Resources for Supporting Protests (M4BL) 
Resources for White People to Learn and Talk About Race and Racism
Resources to Help Empower Asian and Pacific Islander Communities
Revisioning Recovery
Seeing White (Center on Documentary Studies at Duke University)
Slavery and the White House
So You Want To Talk About Race (Ijeoma Oluo)
Stop AAPI Hate
Stories Beyond Borders
SURJ training: A Call to Action for White Folks
Talking About Race: Whiteness (National Museum of African American History and Culture)
The Case for Reparations (Ta-Nehisi Coates)
The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture
The climate crisis is racist. The answer is anti-racism 
The Enduring Criminality of the War on Drugs 
The Ferguson Case, Verbatim 
The Forgotten History Of ‘Violent Displacement’ That Helped Create The National Parks
The Great Unlearn (Rachel Cargle) 
The history white people need to learn 
The Legalization of Marijuana Still Doesn’t Include Everyone 
The New Jim Crow (Michelle Alexander)
The racial wealth gap
The racist roots of American policing: From slave patrols to traffic stops
The resonance of racial violence across generations 
The Shameful Final Grievance of the Declaration of Independence 
The Work (podcast) 
To Support Black-led Nonprofits, Fund Us for Capacity Building & Infrastructure 
What Does It Mean to Heal From Historical Trauma?
What Is Climate Gentrification?
What is Juneteenth? (Equal Justice Initiative) 
What is Systemic Racism? 
What It Means That the Environmental Justice Movement is Overwhelmingly White 
What Would It Mean to Close the Racial Wealth Gap? 
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide (Carol Anderson) 
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color (Ruby Hamad)
Why Labor and the Movement for Racial Justice Should Work Together 
Why Nonprofit Activism Alone Won’t Save Us 
Why we need reparations for Black Americans
Zinn Education Project 

The work does not end with education alone. Anti-racism is a daily practice, and it takes action to dismantle white supremacy. 

26 Ways to be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice 
A Guide to Plug Into Community Mutual Aid Efforts 
Addressing Anti-Asian Attacks With Transformative Justice 
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities 
Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) Trainings
Boycott Companies That Use Prison Labor
Calendar of Virtual Anti-Racism Trainings, Workshops, and Events (Sunrise Boston)
Campaign to End Qualified Immunity
Defending Black Life 
End Forced Labor in Prisons 
Immediate Actions for BLM
Justice in June
Links to Mutual Aid Networks by State
Mass Action Against Police Brutality 
Reparations Now Toolkit (M4BL)
Resources for Accountability and Action for Black Lives 
Right To Be Bystander Intervention Training (formerly Hollaback!) 
Stand with Breonna Taylor
Take Action for Black Lives
Take Action on Juneteenth 
Take Action To Stop Line 3

Many organizations around the country are committed to anti-racism and anti-oppression work. Below are some local and national organizations who can also use your financial support. 

Local (Massachusetts)
ACLU Massachusetts (donate
Alternatives for Community and Environment (donate
Arise for Social Justice (donate)
Asian American Resource Workshop (donate)
Asian Community Development Corporation (donate)
Asian Community Emergency Relief Fund (donate)
Black Lives Matter Boston (donate
Boston Ujima Project (donate
Chinese Progressive Association (donate)
City Life/ Vida Urbana (donate
Families for Justice as Healing (donate)
GreenRoots (donate)
Mass Action Against Police Brutality 
Mass Bail Fund (donate
Muslim Justice League (donate
Mutual Aid Eastie Fund
NAACP Boston (donate
Neighbor-to-Neighbor (donate)
One Chelsea Fund (donate
Our Table
Restaurant Worker Mutual Aid of Greater Boston 
Sisters Unchained (donate)

AAPI Therapist Directory & Scholarship Fund 
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund 
Ayiti/Haiti Solidarity Support List 
Bail Funds in the US 
BEAM (donate)
Black Lives Matter (donate)
Black Visions MN
Community Justice Exchange Directory of Community Bail Funds 
Donate to Black Trans Groups
Funds in the US
How to Support Protesters in Every City
Movement for Black Lives (donate)
NAACP Legal Defense Fund (donate)
National Bail Out
RESOURCES: Here are ways you can support the Black community and the fight to combat racism, discrimination, and police brutality
Rochester Community Initiative (donate)
Support Georgia's Asian American Community
Support organizations in Georgia working to end anti-Blackness (Sierra Club fundraiser) 
Therapy for Black Girls (donate