Massachusetts Chapter

Sierra Club Massachusetts Executive Committee Endorses Board of Director Candidates 

The Sierra Club Massachusetts Executive Committee has endorsed the following 5 candidates for the Sierra Club Board of Directors

For more information, see the Board of Directors Election 2025 website. 

Sierra Club Massachusetts is a volunteer-led organization that shows up every single day, working to build a stronger, more coordinated, and more deeply resilient climate justice and environmental protection movement. We are a movement of and for the people of Massachusetts.

The second Trump Presidency began with attacks on climate, queer and trans people, Black and brown people, women, and immigrants, among others, and quickly escalated into a bonafide coup. Alongside unelected billionaire Nazi sympathizer Elon Musk, Trump and his cronies are making every attempt to bypass democracy in America. And we know Trump is using these attacks to divide and distract us from the fact he has no plan to help our communities, especially those who are already the most vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis. 

But we are not powerless. When we are well-informed, we are well-equipped. Read about our work, meet our staff, meet our volunteer leadership, and learn how you can get involved!  

Various chapter staff and volunteers at events

Massachusetts meetings and events, all are welcome!

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