The Sierra Club is a nonprofit grassroots organization that is dedicated to the protection of the Earth’s natural environment. We rely on members and volunteers—like you!—to create opportunities for local involvement, activism, and outings. To get updates about what's happening across Massachusetts, sign up below (we ask for your address so we can send you updates and events specific to your community or region).
Join the Club!
A simple but important first step is to become a member of the Sierra Club. Membership dues (starting at $15 per year) support our advocacy and communications efforts, and give you voting privileges.
Groups + Committees
With more than 23,000 members in Massachusetts, the chapter is organized into a set of groups and committees. Attending the meetings of a local group or an interesting committee is a great way to get more involved in Club activities, and to find opportunities to volunteer your enthusiasm and talents.
Internships for Students
Students are invited to apply for Club internships, which may qualify for college credit.
Volunteer Opportunities
Anyone with time, ideas, office experience, or other skills to contribute can volunteer! Sign up on our volunteer list, or contact us at the Chapter office for more information about volunteering.