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Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Share Emissions Reduction Plans
March 17, 2014
The Capital News Service (CNS) reported the positions of the three Democratic candidates for governor of Maryland on the issue of greenhouse gas emissions reduction last week (3/12/14). The candidates, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, Attorney General Doug...
Sierra Club at GreenFest, Howard Community College, April 5
March 14, 2014
Check out our table at GreenFest, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Howard Community College in Columbia, Saturday, April 5.We will be planting trees on the campus, giving away golden ragwort plants (Packera aurea, an especially versatile...
"Earth Day 5K" Run/Walk in Annapolis April 19
March 12, 2014
20th Annual Sierra Club "Earth Day 5K" Set for Annapolis, April 19Runners, walkers and friends of the environment from throughout the area are gearing up for one of the year's most fun racing events: the Anne Arundel Sierra Club's Earth Day 5K Race...
Tell your Legislator: No More Black Liquor as Renewable Fuel!
March 12, 2014
It is likely that a vote on HB747 to remove Black Liquor form the RPS will occur tomorrow March 13 in the House Economic Matters Committee. If you haven't taken action to support this bill yet, please do so today! Please follow...
Phosphorus in Our Water: a Load of Fertilizer
March 7, 2014
Phosphorus is a dangerous water pollutant that runs off cultivated fields into our streams and rivers, and ultimately into the Chesapeake Bay. The primary source of phosphorus is manure, and controlling over-fertilization of farmland is the best...
Potluck Dinner Participants Hear Bay Expert Nicholas DiPasquale
March 4, 2014
The more than 80 people who participated in the Anne Arundel Sierra Club’s annual potluck dinner Jan. 25th heard a riveting talk by a leading Chesapeake Bay cleanup official, who spoke of the many continuing threats to the Bay and suggested actions...
Fracking in Southern MD and Expanding Cove Point??
March 1, 2014
Sierra Club Southern Maryland Group is hosting a public forum on the environmental and health issues surrounding the proposed expansion of the Dominion Power terminal on the Chesapeake Bay for the export of liquefied methane gas and the resultant...
Greetings From Your New Beyond Coal Organizer!
February 28, 2014
My name is Seth Bush, and I recently moved to Baltimore from Pittsburgh, PA to work on the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. Now is an exciting time for the campaign because we now have the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)...
The Comprehensive Plan Exposes the BGI
February 28, 2014
A letter to the editor from David Kanter, Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County, February 25, 2014During the past three years, Commissioners Collins, Davis and Rucci have served on our Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) as agents for...
Maryland Environmental Lobby Night
February 28, 2014
Join fellow Sierrans on Monday, March 2nd to lobby key General Assembly members to ensure strong environmental legislative victories in 2015! Sign up today!We need interested volunteers to come to Annapolis on the evening of March 2 to make...