The crisis of our warming and changing climate demands forceful, dramatic action by Maryland.
Air and water pollution from the dirty fuel industry in Maryland have had severe and worsening damage to the environment, public health, and the economy, with the worst impacts disproportionately felt by communities of color.
Maryland Sierra Club is committed to moving our state to a 100% clean renewable energy economy for all.
The Latest
- A year of victories, highlights from 2022
- Advocacy groups recommend top GHG reduction strategies to MD climate commission
- Sierra Club celebrates “Climate Solutions Now Act,” a major climate victory in Maryland
Get Involved
To support the exciting and critical work of promoting clean renewable energy, please email Mariah Shriner, Climate Campaign Representative at mariah.shriner@mdsierra.org
What is Clean Renewable Energy?
According to us: solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and small scale hydroelectric power, with battery backup systems.
To learn why the Sierra Club does not count nuclear as clean energy, read our policy here.
How do we get to 100% Clean Renewable Energy in Maryland?
By prioritizing development of the clean renewable energy economy that creates and supports in-state jobs!
By protecting low and moderate-income households by reducing the excessive burden of energy cost and addressing root causes of high energy bills by providing more equitable access to energy efficiency and clean energy solutions. Continue and improve programs like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), EmPower Maryland and Community Solar. Check out this recent panel event on community solar to learn more!
By advocating for the Maryland Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to stop subsidizing combustible sources of electricity that some now call “renewable” but are toxic, polluting and are environmental justice nightmares. Trash incineration disproportionately impacts the health and safety of African American and immigrant communities in Maryland.
Eliminate Maryland’s reliance on dirty fuels, like coal and gas, which put the health and security of people across our state at risk. Currently, almost all the electricity generated in Maryland still comes from nuclear and fossil fuel fired power plants, and those industries don’t need any handouts. Redirect all energy generation incentives to electricity sources that don’t emit carbon or other pollution – wind, solar, geothermal, small hydroelectric -- and plan for energy storage.