Fracking in Southern MD and Expanding Cove Point??

Sierra Club Southern Maryland Group is hosting a public forum on the environmental and health issues surrounding the proposed expansion of the Dominion Power terminal on the Chesapeake Bay for the export of liquefied methane gas and the resultant pressure to use hydraulic fracturing to drill for gas all up and down the East Coast…even in southern Maryland.

Information on the process and problems associated with fracking and liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be presented. Del. Heather Mizeur will attend to discuss the bills before the MD General Assembly to regulate and perhaps stop fracking in Maryland.
Location: Waldorf West Branch of the Charles Co. Library on O'Donnell Place near the intersection of Smallwood and St. Patrick’s Drives just west of Rt. 301 for a program starting at 3:30 pm on Friday, March 7, 2014. Call 301-752-9612 or email for more information.