Why We Hike

Coyote Valley

We Day Hike, We Backpack, We Ski tour, We Climb.  We day hike to enjoy the smell of spring and fresh soil, we backpack to see virgin gardens no one has seen and for the solitude, we ski to hear the crisp freshness of new fallen snow, and we climb to gaze beyond the small and enjoy the large, all the of the while realizing that we are indeed small next to natures wealth and diversity.  

We hike for friendship, for health, body and mind.  We hike for community, for conservation, for somehow, healing this earth which as been so ravaged.  And we hike for the future, so that others may enjoy our legacy of saved lands.

Our Mission

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead 


Like the outings of our origin story, the High Sierra trips of over 120 years ago, we seek to inspire, animate, and breath life and efforts into conservation of our local open spaces, using conservation themes, and docent-led hikes that provide an appreciation of nature and a desire to protect parks.  

Our local open spaces are Magic. Without our ongoing activities and conservation work, our green foothills would be overcome by development and filled with roads and houses.  Instead, we have the tseek of a California Towhee, the chi-ca-go of a California Quail, and the ping-pong ball song of a Wrentit defending its territory.  Our outings create a long-lasting community of like minded souls. Many people who experienced outings came to see the message of the Sierra Club, and became Life members.  Many were inspired to actually become environmentalists, to expand their commitment. 

Read more about our mission here

Local Engagement

Hikers looking ahead at trees along the path

We take pride in our local engagement, which includes:

  • Local engagement is building a community of like-minded people - hikers develop life-long relationships, and an enduring set of friends
  • Conservation initiatives to preserve and protect our natural landscapes.
  • Environmental education programs aimed at raising awareness and fostering appreciation for nature.
  • Our Activity sections were instrumental in creating both Butano and Castle Rock State Parks
  • Outings and events that allow individuals to experience the beauty of the outdoors firsthand.
  • Support for special programs such as Military Outdoors and Inspiring Connections Outdoors, to work with our veterans, and reach out to kids who don’t have access to the outdoors. 

We are completely inclusive. While we have special activity sections such as Loma Prieta Pride or Sierra Singles, each section welcomes everyone to all their activities! 

Certified Outing Leaders

Sierra Club Outings Value Proposition:  You won’t get lost!

Our leaders know the land, they know the trails, and they know the environment.  Every leader is required to pass a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course every two years, and Outdoor Leadership Training (OLT) every four years. Mentorship by experienced leaders is a part of the process.

To become a leader is to be humble, to be a docent, to be a good listener.  This allows them to lead trips that inspire, motivate, and create community on the trail.

Our leaders devote their personal time to scout, plan, and prepare for outings and they are highly respected and valued.

Join us on our next adventure and experience the wonders of the outdoors with. Here’s our calendar

White-blooming chemise on left, trail on right. Spring hike