Image by Fabric Artist Linda Gass © 2019
The Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) promotes great, walkable equitable neighborhoods which group new homes, jobs, and shops near quality transit stations and corridors. New development in our region should reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the natural environment, increase transit use, balance the job/housing ratio, be net zero energy and water, and move the preponderance of new development away from existing single-family neighborhoods, support cleaner mobility choices for local residents and businesses, and expand the range of choices and the variety of services available for all.
We provide technical support to Cool Cities Teams and local environmental community groups by guiding them through local land use planning processes for projects and plans that pose the opportunity for the community to become more vibrant, walkable, bikeable, and transit accessible. Learn more...
Guidelines and Resources
The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Sustainable Land Use Committee reviews and makes recommendations on plans and proposals near El Camino, downtowns, and transit stations. Such plans include General Plans, Downtown Plans, Station Area Plans, Pedestrian Plans, Bicycle Plans, individual development proposals, etc. Learn more...
After reviewing a development plan, the Sustainable Land Use Committee will typically write a public comment letter to be sent to the project proponent and the City with recommendations about how to increase the sustainability of the plan. Learn more...
Current Cycle Housing Element Letters
Every 8 years, California cities must plan for enough new housing to meet population and economic growth projections made by the State of California. The 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for our Chapter's cities and counties begins in 2023 and lasts until 2031. Learn more...
Contact: Gita Dev gd*