Peak Climbing Section

 Climb the mountains and get their good tidings - John Muir


The Peak Climbing Section (PCS) is an activity section of the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club. Most of our members live near the San Francisco Peninsula.

Come join us as we explore the high peaks of the Sierra, in summer, winter, spring and fall! We love the views from the top, but you'll find that we also take great pleasure in identifying the flowers, birds and trees as we pass through the meadows and forests on our way to the alpine zone. Not to mention, capturing some cool photos!

Hiking, climbing, skiing, snowshoeing and snowboarding in the backcountry of the Sierra - we embrace it all, with a focus on non-technical ascents of peaks. We climb those peaks over rock, snow and ice, descend the canyons, and relax in the meadows.

But it's not just about the Sierras. We also have local training hikes, and occasional trips to the high mountains of the world. Club members have climbed in Alaska, Mexico, Ecuador, the spine of the Andes, Antarctica, the Himalayas and the peaks of Africa. Back in the Bay Area, we get together to practice our skills and to swap tall tales.

We welcome newcomers and invite you to join us on an introductory trip or at one of our monthly meetings. At these get-togethers, members and notable climbers share their excitement and expertise about their adventures. Recent meetings have featured slideshows on the Bugaboos, the Khumbhu, Afghanistan, Everest, and the High Peaks of Bolivia.

Our focus is on non-technical ascents of peaks in the Sierra Nevada. In non-Covid times we published a monthly newsletter, Scree, and we have archived past issues.

Advanced Trip Schedule

During non-Covid times these trips are planned to occur in the Spring and Summer. They are subject to change until they appear on the Chapter schedule, but will be listed here for planning purposes. Please check later for advanced trip schedule.

Our Next Meeting

Our meetings are usually held several times per year at the Peninsula Conservation Center, 3921 E. Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto. During Covid times we have been holding occasional meetings via zoom.  You are welcome to attend.