Our Loma Prieta Chapter Volunteers keep a watchful eye on the actions of local governments and institutions to make sure that our local ecosystems and communities are protected. Read the comment letters below to learn more about our Chapter's public stance in defense of the environment.
By policy, comment letters are required to be reviewed and cleared by our Chapter Director. If you are a Sierra Club volunteer who would like to send letters on the Chapter's behalf, contact chapter.director@lomaprieta.sierraclub.org for more information.
Three Fall Alternatives (2024) for the Millbrae and Burlingame Shoreline Resilience Project
To: San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District
"The Millbrae-Burlingame Shoreline Resilience Project is timely in that BCDC has just released its Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP), which requires all Shoreline Adaptation Plans to meet BCDC’s RSAP guidelines. The RSAP’s One Bay Vision brings the whole region together to promote collaboration, protect shared assets and achieve common goals. These guidelines ensure a strategic, and forward-looking regional response to sea level rise that accommodates local variations and protects both vulnerable communities and a broad spectrum of public “assets,” including the societal and economic benefits provided by our Bay and its habitats as we plan for the realities with which sea level rise is confronting us. The RSAP emphasises that the health of the Bay habitats is as much at risk from sea level rise as the communities and infrastructure along the shoreline. For this reason, we are extremely concerned about planning efforts that could lead to potential harms to the Bay ecosystems such as encroachment, with fill, onto habitat in the Bay and we wish to express our deep concern over the proposed alternatives."
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for Electronic Signs on San Jose City-Owned Property
To: San Jose Environmental Project Manager
"We have been advocating for a reduction of light pollution in the region, and have advocated against electronic billboards and the proliferation of light pollution in San Jose and in other Bay Area cities for many years. We submit the following comments on the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the installation and operation of six programmable electronic signs on five City-owned parcels in the downtown San José area (Project). We believe that the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report should be required for this Project."
Joint Statement to BCDC Urging Support for Robust RSAP
To: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
We are deeply concerned about recent calls to weaken the RSAP’s required Adaptation Strategy Standards (Standards) in order to allow greater flexibility, and even create new incentives, to enable more shoreline development. This would undermine efforts to preserve and expand natural and nature-based solutions for resilience to long term sea level rise. Shoreline ecosystems—wetlands, tidal marshes, and other vital habitats—are irreplaceable, offering unique and critical benefits to local communities that cannot be relocated, unlike housing and other development, which can be sited away from vulnerable shorelines. Bay ecosystems have specific ecological needs that only the Bay can provide.
Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District Senior Environmental Planner
"The Sierra Club appreciates the opportunity to provide scoping comments in response to the Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project. Our comments are detailed below. These comments reference the Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project Draft - Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), published in June 2024."
Comments on the Draft Dark Sky Ordinance
To: Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission
"We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your decision to require that all light sources be fully shielded and maintain a correlated color temperature of 2700K. This is a significant commitment to minimizing light pollution and protecting the natural night environment, and it will greatly benefit both our community and the surrounding ecosystems. We have two major recommendations to improve the draft ordinance, which we hope you will consider: 1) Reinstate applicability to include new luminaires (light fixtures) and replacement lighting, and 2) Prohibit light trespass entirely rather than establishing a threshold (which may be difficult to enforce and allow nuisance lighting)."
Comments on Public Draft of the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan
To: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
The Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP) makes important strides by integrating equity assessments at every stage of planning and setting some strong Adaptation Strategy Standards (Standards) related to Baylands ecosystems. However, there are critical gaps in the Standards regarding contamination risks and habitat goals, an insufficient emphasis on natural and nature-based solutions (NNBS) across plan elements, and a disconnect between the Standards and the rest of the RSAP. Addressing these issues is vital to avoid confusion, ensure compliance, and realize the RSAP’s One Bay Vision.
Scoping Comments for Power Santa Clara Valley
To: California Public Utilities Commission
"The Project consists of two new high-voltage direct current (HVDC) terminals and associated new transmission lines. [...] the EIR must address the issues outlined [...] with a more thorough and transparent analysis of impacts and feasible mitigation measures. Specific attention should be paid to cumulative impacts, environmental justice, the protection of sensitive biological and hydrological resources, and wildlife movement through the landscape."
Unique Requirements for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District
"This report ignores requests for information from Water Supply and Demand Management Committee (WSDMC) members at the August 26 meeting, and public input provided for that WSDMC meeting. The information provided in this staff report is materially the same as the WSDMC staff report. No additional information has been added."
Opposition of HR 8790
To: Congressman Kevin Mullin, Representative Lofgren, Representative Eshoo, and Representative Khanna
"We respectfully request that you vote NO on HR 8790, the so-called "Fix Our Forests Act," when it comes to the House vote. As you likely know, the bill is expected to be introduced for a vote on Tuesday, September 24th. Sierra Club opposes the bill in its current form, and we request that you oppose the bill in its entirety."
Draft Environmental Impact Report for Rezoning of Airport Parcels and General Plan Amendment
To: City of San Jose Environmental Project Manager
"We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezoning for the Coleman and Hedding Commercial Development Project. The Project proposes to change the existing Envision San José 2040 General Plan Land Use Designation of Open Space Parks Habitat (OSPH) to Combined Industrial Commercial (CIC) for seven parcels and to rezone those parcels to the OS (PD) Planned Development Zoning District. Please find our comments below."
Item 3 on the 9/16 Agenda: Update and Receive Council Input on Airport Long-Range Plan
To: City of Palo Alto
"Our organizations therefore oppose planning elements that would allow the airport to expand in space or air traffic (including eVTOL) or even move the runways north, as this would increase conflicts with birds and other wildlife in the adjacent wetlands. Palo Alto should not un-dedicate parkland, fill wetlands, increase the risk to birds or the need to deter them from using the adjacent wetlands, exacerbate noise, or perpetuate lead deposition and greenhouse gas emissions. We are supportive of adding solar panels over existing asphalt areas, and of creating a path to reduce the footprint, both physical and operational, of the airport in the future."
New Artificial Turf Moratorium on Sunnyvale City Property, Including Sports Fields
To: Sunnyvale Mayor and Councilmember
"Thank you for your continuing support for resident’s health by voting for a moratorium on new artificial turf on Sunnyvale City property, including on sports fields. The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter appreciates your steadfast and courageous vote for a moratorium (called a “ban” in the August 27 agenda) on new installations of artificial turf until completion of the upcoming Study Issue ESD 24-01 - Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf versus Living Groundcovers."
Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Draft Ravenswood Business District/Four Corners Specific Plan Update
To: City of East Palo Alto
"We recognize the critical role that the Ravenswood Business District/4 Corners Specific Plan Update will play in shaping the future of East Palo Alto and its natural resources along the San Francisco Bay. We have participated in community meetings, engaged with local residents, community groups and City staff/consultants, and commented to the Planning Commission and City Council throughout the planning process. In this letter, we will first address a few overarching points that apply to the overall DSEIR, followed by noting a few errors/omissions in the document that should be corrected in the final report. Then we will address our concerns regarding individual CEQA-related environmental factors."
Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Ren Fu Villa Residential Project and Its Associated Initial Study
To: City of Gilroy Planning Manager
"The project proposes a Zoning Map amendment (Z 22-03) to rezone the property to RH (Residential Hillside), consistent with the 2040 General Plan Hillside Residential land use designation, and a Tentative Map (TM 22-02) to subdivide the site into 54 lots. Future applications would be submitted to construct a single-family residence on each lot. The project would also include a private club house that would be located on the western side of the site. The project would construct new streets, utility lines, and parking for the proposed residences. The existing creek and pond located in the central portion of the site would be preserved in place. Our concerns focus on bird collision with windows, as well as lighting, setbacks from the creek and the pond, and the absence of specific requirements for pre-construction surveys for nesting birds."
Approve Action to Ban New Artificial Turf on County Property
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter endorses the August 27, 2024 Agenda Item #10. Action b. Adopt Ordinance No. NS-300.988 (Version A) to ban new artificial turf on County property, including sports fields."
Item 4.3, Unique Requirements for the Pacheco Reservoir Project
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District Water Supply and Demand Management Committee
"In sum, the staff report does not address the topic the Board requested last fall, which was "Discussion and review of requirements unique to the Project." Instead, staff decided to add "unique benefits" to this topic, and to focus this report on those benefits, rather than the requirements which are consequential for the feasibility of the Pacheco Reservoir Project."
Parkline Project Draft Environmental Impact Report
To: City of Menlo Park
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) advocates on sustainability and land use issues in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. In that role, we respectfully submit the following comments for the DEIR for the Parkline project at the old SRI site. The Parkline project is a wonderful opportunity to transform the heart of the City. While we share the general concerns about traffic and housing, we wish to focus here on the mix of uses proposed for this infill site, in particular the mix of housing with research labs."
Notice of Project for San Carlos NE Area Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report
To: City of San Carlos Planning Division
"We note that the DEIR under "Land Use" will evaluate the effect the Plan will have on the future Jobs / Housing balance in San Carlos, but we feel that the goal of this evaluation needs to be more clearly stated.[...]This Specific Plan will not be an overall benefit to San Carlos, but only exacerbate the overall housing shortfall in the city and on the peninsula. It will increase in-commuting, air and water pollution, and Greenhouse Gas emissions which are harmful to the environment and inherently unsustainable. The impact on Jobs / Housing balance must be considered and mitigated in the EIR and not minimized as an "unavoidable impact"."
1301 Shoreway Project Environmental Impact Report Scoping Comments
To: City of Belmont, Community Development Department
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) advocates on sustainability and land use issues in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. In that role, we respectfully request inclusion of the following issues in the scope of the EIR for the project at 1301 Shoreway, Belmont. Life Sciences labs are one of the more unsustainable uses on the peninsula. Given that the City has a Climate Action Plan with measurable goals, mitigation of the environmental impacts takes on greater urgency."
Columbus Park Redevelopment Project
To: City of San Jose
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter welcomes this opportunity to provide comments on the recirculating Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Columbus Park Redevelopment Project. The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter strongly opposes installing synthetic turf."
Ravenswood Business District/4 Corners Specific Plan Update Land Use and Development Standards
To: City of East Palo Alto
"We appreciate the careful thought that has gone into the development of the Land Use and Development Standards. We have reviewed the Draft Specific Plan Update and find that there are a few items that we believe may still need to be considered further. We have made suggestions of how these may be addressed and hope that you will consider these. We have confined comments in this letter to only Section 6. Land Use and Development Standards."
Ravenswood Business District/4 Corners Specific Plan Update
To: City of East Palo Alto
"We commend the diligent efforts of the City Council, City staff, and the consultant team in developing a thoughtful plan for the future development of the RBD/4 Corners area. We are particularly pleased that the DSPU reflects a strong commitment to conserving tidal marshes, tidal flats, and their vital habitats. The proposed inland levee alignment and shoreline transition zones preserve important opportunities for long-term resilience. We also applaud the DSPU’s innovative community benefits framework, which ties development entitlements directly to specific, community-identified priorities, increases financial transparency, and enables the City to comparatively evaluate proposed community benefits. We remain concerned that Scenario 2, including more than 3.3 million square feet of new office/R&D space, will overwhelm East Palo Alto with impacts that irreversibly alter the character and resilience of the community. Nevertheless, we offer comments below to strengthen the efficacy of the Plan across all scenarios."
301 Shoreway Environmental Impact Report Scoping
To: City of Belmont Planning Commission
"...the Sierra Club requests that the EIR include a detailed analysis of the potential impacts of this proposed biotech development as it relates to both public health impacts as well as environmental impacts. Sierra Club is very supportive of the Life Sciences industry and the benefits that it brings to our communities. To educate and raise awareness of the complexities of biohazards and public safety, we have compiled materials for reference of public officials, available at this link: Planning for Life Sciences Development in Bay Area Communities."
Support for Water Resources Protection Zone Ordinance
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District
"The undersigned organizations write to express our strong support for the proposed Water Resources Protection Zone Ordinance No. 24-XX. We commend the Santa Clara Valley Water District for taking a proactive stance to safeguard our water resources, natural habitats, and the safety of our communities. Our organizations have a strong interest in the protection of waterways, riparian ecosystems, wetlands and the San Francisco Bay. For more than a decade, we have been advocating for measures that would distance homeless encampments from creeks, and create shelter that houses people without polluting our creeks and our bay."
Delta Conveyance Project Update
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District
"The Sierra Club appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) update. We would like to bring to your attention an analysis of the Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Michael from the McGeorge School of Law at the University of the Pacific as well as a comment letter Dr. Michael submitted to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) ahead of the DCP update at their board meeting on June 10, 2024. The report and comment letter are attached for reference, and a brief summary of the analysis is outlined below."
0 Seely Avenue Mixed-Use Project Environmental Impact Report
To: San Jose Planning Commission
"We are writing on behalf of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter to express our concerns regarding the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 0 Seely Avenue Mixed-Use Project. Specifically, we are concerned about the inadequacy of the proposed mitigation measures for impacts to nesting birds as outlined in the document. We urge the Planning Commission to withhold recommending approval of this EIR due to these significant deficiencies. In this letter, we explain why the proposed mitigation measure is inadequate and make specific recommendations for adequate mitigation language."
San Jose Earthquakes and Artificial Turf
To San Jose Earthquakes
"I would like to thank you and Kevin Moore from Colony Landscaping for taking the time to meet with members of the Sierra Club, Safe Healthy Playing Fields, Mothers Out Front, and the Community for Natural Play Surfaces. As a result we all have a better understanding of everyone’s views and concerns."
Menlo Park's Draft Environmental Justice and Safety Elements
To: City of Menlo Park
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter's Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) has been following the progress on Menlo Park's Draft Environmental Justice and Safety Elements and we are concerned that it does not address issues of public safety related to the new hazard of biological infections. Biosafety Levels (BSL)1&2 labs dealing with well known and controllable infectious diseases are generally acceptable. BSL3&4 labs, which study the most virulent diseases, pose a major safety concern for neighboring residential communities in the event of an unexpected accidental release of infectious pathogens. Therefore BSL 3&4 labs should be banned."
Reject Providing Discounts on Park Impact Fees for Market-Rate Residential Developments
To: Redwood City Mayor and City Council
"Redwood City currently faces a significant shortfall in parkland, currently ranking near the bottom in San Mateo County for both parkland per 1000 population and park impact fees. With new housing developments bringing more residents, the burden on our already limited parks increases. However, a proposal to grant a 25% or 50% discount on park fees for nine market-rate residential projects could result in as high as a $8.1 million loss in city revenue. This loss would severely hinder the city's ability to expand and to maintain its park infrastructure, which is already inadequate for our current population."
Downtown Residential High-Rise Incentive Program Extension
To: Mayor Matt Mahan and Members of the San José City Council
"We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed extension and expansion of park impact fee discounts in the Downtown Residential High-Rise Incentive area and beyond. Specifically, we are opposed to staff recommendations (c) and (d), which seek to offer additional discounts in the downtown area and to study extending the impact fee reduction program citywide and to low- and include mid-rise residential projects. We understand that the City is contemplating a ballot measure to provide funding for the maintenance of parkland and ask you to defer the discussion of reducing residential park impact fee until after this source of funding is guaranteed."
Milligan Parking Lot Impacts of Lighting on Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystems Along the Guadalupe River
To: Mayor Matt Mahan and Members of the City Council
"The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter have reviewed the Environmental Impact report for the Milligan Parking lot, with special attention to the potential impacts of lighting on riparian and aquatic ecosystems along the Guadalupe River. The Project seeks to build a surface parking lot adjacent to the Guadalupe river, and to exempt this parking lot from the 100-ft setback requirements of the City’s General Plan and the Valley Habitat Plan."
Support for Mayor Mahan’s June Budget Message to Address Homeless Encampments in Creek Corridors
To: Mayor Matt Mahan and San Jose City Council
"The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter, Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition and the Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge submit this letter for your consideration to support the Mayor’s June Budget Message that addresses the critical environmental challenges caused by homeless encampments in creek corridors. Through his June Budget Message, the Mayor proposes a balanced approach that addresses the immediate need to mitigate environmental harm while continuing to support permanent affordable housing development."
Architectural Digest Issue June 2023, Tip# 17 on Artificial Turf
To: Architectural Digest
"Tip 17, Look into artificial grass encourages readers to use a hardscaping material that repels wildlife. Not only does synthetic plastic grass, as a hardscape, kill microorganisms and worms in the soil, in sunlight it can heat to as much as 70°F above ambient air temperature (https://tinyurl.com/TuriPdf), causing a localized heat island. These two effects alone will make each installation of “lawn” a wasteland for birds, pollinators, squirrels, lizards and other fauna."
NOP for an EIR for Ferry Terminal at the Port of Redwood City
To: Port of Redwood City
"Our review of the proposed ferry terminal and mixed-use development at Redwood Creek raises substantial environmental and infrastructural concerns. OneShoreline is currently studying possible sea level rise (SLR) infrastructure solutions for this shoreline. If the mouth of Redwood Creek is to provide ferry access to the proposed terminal, it is imperative that the shoreline design around the 9-acre site reduce boat wakes that reverberate toward sensitive wetlands such as Bair and Greco Islands."
Ordinance to Prohibit New Installation of Artificial Turf and Synthetic Grass on Santa Clara County Property
To: Santa Clara County Sustainability Commission
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter, representing more than ten thousand supporters in Santa Clara County, is in strong support of the County establishing such prohibitions. Furthermore, we ask that the County consider not grandfathering projects which are not currently under contract with the County. Given the public health risks and environmental threats posed by artificial turf, projects such as the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds Athletic Fields should be required by the County to avoid the use of artificial turf or synthetic grass."
Groundwater Protection from Surface Mining Operations
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
"The undersigned organizations write in strong support of the proposed ordinance regulating surface mining operations with respect to impacts on groundwater. [...] The proposed ordinance is necessary to protect our groundwater from potential contamination. The example of the Lehigh Permanente Quarry, and the discharges of selenium into Permanente Creek as a result of their actions in mining below the groundwater table, should be sufficient to demonstrate how important it is to require that mining operations maintain a protective buffer zone from the groundwater table."
Coyote Valley Corridor Study Draft Economic and Policy Assessment Report
To: City of San Jose Planning, Building and Code Enforcement
"1. The Economic and Policy Assessment does not mention the requirement of compatibility with the Coyote Creek Park Chain and broader environmental objectives for Coyote Valley; 2. The Economic and Policy Assessment does not mention all of the relevant policies in the Envision 2040 General Plan; 3. The “Restaurants, Wineries, Beer Gardens and Culinary Arts” cut sheet should not include a “Consistent” rating for General Plan Land Use; 4. All uses ranked “Partially Consistent” should include a statement that in order to be consistent, such uses must be small-scale and ancillary to and intended to enhance the viability of agriculture; 5. The “Demonstration Areas for Sustainable Infrastructure” cut sheet should not include a “Consistent” ranking for General Plan Land Use."
Survival of Majestic Cork Oak Tree and its Acorn Woodpeckers at Saratoga Retirement Community
To: Saratoga Planning Commission
"SCVAS submitted comments on the Draft Environmental Report for this project and both Sierra Club and SVCAS representatives attended public meetings. In these communications, we provided recommendations for minimizing light pollution, and for designing bird-friendly structures to reduce the potential of bird collisions with glass. We acknowledge and appreciate the incorporation of our proposed measures into the project and agree that this reduces the potential impact to birds from bird strikes and/or confusion would be less than significant."
Midpen Parking Area Design Guidelines
To: Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board
"The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club write this letter to thank the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen) for taking up the topic of parking lot placement and design. The desire to experience and enjoy the beauty of nature is at the root of our organizations’ missions, but as the numbers of visitors in parks and open space grows, it is more essential that we take care to protect the natural environment that draws these visitors."
Nash Road Quarry Reclamation Plan
To: San Benito County Planning
"Thank you for answering previous questions I submitted on behalf of the Sierra Club regarding the Nash Road Quarry Project. After having time to review the relevant documents, we have some additional process questions that we hope are easy for you to answer. We also wrote some initial comments on the Proposed Reclamation Plan that we ask you to consider, and to share with the applicant and consultants..."
Adding the Study of a Moratorium on Artificial Turf in the Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Fiscal Year 2025 Priorities
To: Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Commission
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter encourages Palo Alto to join the cities of Millbrae and San Marino, to add either a ban or long term moratorium on artificial turf within Palo Alto’s jurisdictional boundaries. We hope this Commission considers adding the “study of a moratorium on artificial turf” to their fiscal year 2025 priorities. The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors recently approved a referral for staff to begin study on the creation of an ordinance banning artificial turf."
Proposed General Plan Amendment Regarding Biotech East of 101
To: City of Millbrae
"For public safety reasons, we strongly recommend the City revise the existing Planning Code, in order to avoid serious potential hazards to the community, and ban high containment labs, such as BSL3 & BSL4 labs, anywhere in the City. This potential new hazard, from novel viruses such as was encountered with Covid19, should also be listed in the Safety Element of the General Plan to ensure that high-containment labs are not created in the City."
Foster City Draft Climate Action Plan
To: Foster City Sustainability Staff
"We hope you consider the following comments for inclusion in the Draft CAP. 1) Include measures to increase tree canopy and expand biodiversity; 2) Add to C-L.4.2 language prioritizing nature-based adaptation solutions; 3) Estimate resources needed for timely completion of measures; 4) Identify a specific VMT % reduction goal for measure T-L.1; 5) Add to E-W.2 a measure including permit and rebate clarification; 6) Consider including these recommended resources."
Redwood City Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment
To: Redwood City Public Works Department
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Bay Alive Campaign welcomes this opportunity to provide comments on the Redwood City Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment (Report). We do so on behalf of tens of thousands of local Sierra Club supporters who share our commitment to protect the health of our communities, our wildlife and our Earth by promoting living shorelines, healthy waters, and just, equitable solutions to sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area."
Artificial Turf Prohibition Ordinance
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter and Green Foothills heartily endorse the April 16, 2024 Agenda Item #11 (LF 24-5361) to direct the Administration to report to the Board on options for consideration relating to a County ordinance to prohibit new installation of artificial turf and synthetic grass on Santa Clara County property."
Reid-Hillview Future Planning
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
"The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter and Green Foothills have been following issues with Reid-Hillview for the past few years and we have repeatedly expressed support for the efforts to transition the 180-acre airport property into a sustainable community asset. [...] we hope you envision this site for what it can, and should provide: clean air and a thriving community where urban nature and tree canopy increase in an area that is sorely lacking in both."
Request to be Added to Stakeholder's Outreach on San Mateo County's Safety / Resiliency Element Planning
To: San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
"We understand that the County is approaching this planning through the County's Office of Sustainability and for several cities. We'd like for SLU to be included in any future stakeholder's outreach regarding the County's progress on this Element. We are very concerned that many of the approaches to resiliency that municipalities are considering do not acknowledge the potential impact on the environment. We believe there are vital environmentally sensitive solutions to consider in the Safety / Resiliency Element, and would like to engage further with the County in detail on each of the following topics."
Concerns with Lighting Plan for Proposed Water Treatment Plant
To: Palo Alto Architectural Review Board
"Lights with lower color temperatures (typically below 3000K) are better for wildlife because they have less impact on the natural behaviors and activities of nocturnal animals4. Nocturnal animals such as birds, bats, and insects rely on natural light cues to navigate and carry out essential functions such as feeding, breeding, and migration. Artificial light sources with higher color temperatures (typically above 3000K) can interfere with these natural cues, disrupting the animals' circadian rhythms and affecting their behavior."
South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Sunnyvale Project Feasibility Study
To: US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District
"Further studies would be needed to develop appropriate strategies based on a closer study of the shoreline conditions by a science-based organization such as San Francisco Estuary Institute. Natural infrastructure typically offers 'no-regret” or “low-regret' options due to their incremental implementation and monitoring requirements, potentially yielding lower upfront costs and greater flexibility over time. Moreover, they provide invaluable ecosystem services that safeguard important wildlife habitats and create new and restored habitats, while simultaneously reducing our communities’ vulnerability and enhancing resilience."
San Mateo Interstate 101: Freeway Expansion vs. Lane Conversion
To: San Mateo County Transportation Authority and City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County
"The Sierra Club is opposed to freeway expansions such as adding a new lane, for an Express Lane, on Interstate 101 from I-380 to the San Francisco border. High occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy vehicle/toll (HOT) lanes should come from converting existing highway lanes rather than constructing new lanes."
Eliminate Polystyrene/Plastic Foam Product Use in the City of South San Francisco
To: South San Francisco Mayor and Councilmembers
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter (SCLP) supports action to reduce plastics pollution due to its effect on the environment, on sustainability and on public health. Because of the danger of polystyrene we ask that the City of South San Francisco join its neighboring cities and the County of San Mateo1 to enact an ordinance eliminating the use of polystyrene/plastic foam products, especially for prepared food and consumer goods that are likely to litter storm drains and beaches."
Peninsula Clean Energy
To: Peninsula Clean Energy CEO
"It is very encouraging to hear that PCE is offering funds in its Community Reinvestment Package for local energy resources, including microgrids. We hope to publicize this among city officials in San Mateo and will be asking them to pinpoint a location for a microgrids project; [...] This envisioned microgrids entity will serve as a demonstration project in the city and will have a practical purpose as well because it will provide backup power to residents during times of grid outage. We hope that the existence of this microgrids entity will motivate city residents to consider rooftop solar/battery backup microgrids for their own homes. It would help facilitate such local clean energy microgrids projects if PCE forms a small task force whose part-time responsibility is to assist local officials with their clean energy projects."
San Jose Stormwater Permit Requirements, Homelessness and Neighborhood Considerations
To: San Jose Mayor and City Council
"In recent times, impacts of homeless encampments along San Jose waterways have been accumulating with trash, toxic debris and human waste, as well as erosion and denuding of riparian vegetation. The impacts have devastated ecosystems along the creeks and impaired water quality locally, downstream, and in the Bay. Clean-up efforts have removed millions of tons of trash, and yet the problem persists. The people experiencing homelessness in these conditions and our waterways deserve better, and so do San Jose residents in all city neighborhoods."
San Mateo General Plan 2040
To: City of San Mateo Mayor and City Council
"SLU [Loma Prieta Sustainable Land Use] has two concerns that the GP [General Plan] could address further. They have been described in detail in the prior SLU letters (November 16, 2023, September 7, 2023, et al) but they are summarized once more, as you are now considering the final adoption of this GP. The lack of housing, particularly affordable housing, is a continuing crisis and should be more strongly addressed , as well as the need for more urban greening and open space in the City for climate change and livability."
Install Natural Grass Fields Instead of Artificial Turf
To: Fremont Union High School District
"As parents, youth, grandparents, and allies, we ask you to protect students from the health and safety harms of artificial turf and to protect our shared environment from the toxins it releases into the air and water. Specifically, we urge you to reject Amendment #1 to the Lease-Leaseback Agreement with Robert A. Bothman Construction for the District Wide Athletic Field Replacements Project. Instead of artificial turf, we ask you to install natural grass at all FUHSD athletic fields in order to protect students' health and safety as well as the natural environment we all depend on."
Opposing Artificial Turf, Mountain View City Council February 26, 2024
To: Mountain View Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Councilmembers
"As the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter’s Chair for Plastic Pollution Prevention efforts, I encourage Mountain View to join the cities of Millbrae and San Marino, to add either a ban or long term moratorium on artificial turf within Mountain View’s jurisdictional boundaries. I understand this year’s work plan is nearing finalization, so perhaps the above-mentioned ban or moratorium can become part of the work plan."
Opposing Artificial Turf at Campbell Union School District Campuses
To: Campbell Union School District Board of Trustees
"As a parent of two now grown children who went to school in Santa Clara County, and as Chair for the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Plastics Pollution Prevention Team, I urge you to reject attempts to put artificial turf on our school campuses. Fortunately there are healthy, drought tolerant, high performance alternatives. Plastic grass is bad for our children’s health, harms the environment, and doesn’t save money when lifecycle cost is factored in."
Opposing Artificial Turf at Campbell Union High School District Campuses
To: Campbell Union High School District Board of Trustees
"As a parent of two now grown children who went to school in Santa Clara County, and as Chair for the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Plastics Pollution Prevention Team, I urge you to reject attempts to put artificial turf on our school campuses. Fortunately there are healthy, drought tolerant, high performance alternatives. Plastic grass is bad for our children’s health, harms the environment, and doesn’t save money when lifecycle cost is factored in."
Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Beneficial Reuse of Excavated Material in Tidal Marsh Restoration Project
To: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Environmental Programs Office
"We support the project concept as a multi-benefit, innovative approach to address sediment needs for wetland restoration and sea level rise resilience, and particularly its value for sustaining wildlife habitat on the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge. However, we are concerned that the soil acceptance criteria in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) may not be ecologically appropriate for the proposed use of sediment in this setting. We offer the comments below in the spirit of collaboration to strengthen the environmental review and assure long term project efficacy and sustainable benefits for Bay shoreline communities and ecosystems."
Support and concerns regarding February 15 Study Issues and Budget Proposals Workshop
To: Sunnyvale Mayor and City Council
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter and the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society support the following items. CDD 24-02: Explore the Creation of a Dark Sky Ordinance for all Private Property [...] LRS 24-01: Examine the Permanent Closure of the Interior Levees Surrounding Sunnyvale’s Wastewater Treatment Ponds [...] ESD 24-01 Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf Versus Living Groundcover [...] We are concerned about the following items. We are concerned about item DPW 24‐04 “Evaluate Late Night Lights at Public Parks” and item DPW 20-13 “Lighting of Current and Future City Owned Dog Parks”. Both of these items could increase light pollution in Sunnyvale in parkland habitat."
2/13/24 Valley Water Board Agenda Item 8.1. Update on the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District
"According to the staff report, “staff has prepared a presentation providing a more detailed explanation of how Valley Water plans to operate the completed Project to include required infrastructure, redundancy plans and operational challenges. Staff has also provided additional detail on the Project’s benefits and how these benefits have been calculated and accounted for during the design phase.” Unfortunately, the presentation in the agenda packet provides very little new information about benefits or operations and does not discuss redundancy plans or operational challenges."
Request for Release of NOP Comment Letters submitted for the Millbrae/Burlingame Sea Level Rise Protection Project
To: OneShoreline Board
"We appreciate the OneShoreline Board's commitment to addressing the critical issue of sea level rise protection along the Millbrae/Burlingame/San Mateo shoreline. The significance of this high-profile project, coupled with public funding, warrants a transparent and inclusive approach. The current process, so far, is somewhat lacking in the transparency and outreach expected of a project of such great impact and interest to the environmental community, regulatory agencies, the airport, property owners and the general public."
2024-1-18 DRAFT One Bay Vision
To: Bay Conservation and Development Commission
"We are encouraged to note that BCDC is making progress on the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP). We hope to see a final One Bay Vision that implements Bay Adapt’s six guiding principles, and makes clear to local governments and planners what it means to “Put Nature First Whenever Possible” and “Support Socially Vulnerable Communities” and explains clearly how they can do so. With that in mind, we hope you will strengthen the draft One Bay Vision to..."
01/31/24 Agenda Item 6.1, John Smith Road Landfill Expansion General Plan Amendment and Conditional Use Permit
To: San Benito County Planning Commission
"The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter advocates for sustainable land use in San Mateo, Santa Clara and San Benito Counties. Regarding the John Smith Road Landfill Expansion General Plan Amendment and Conditional Use Permit coming before the Planning Commission on January 31, 2024, the Sierra Club offers the following comments from an environmental perspective."
The Definition of Chartered Parkland
To: San Jose Parks and Recreation Commission
"We reflect the interests of our communities when we stress the importance of parks to the residents of San José across the city. Rich or poor, young or old, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, or ability: parks are important to us all – for our physical health, our mental health, and the health of the community. We ask you to ensure that the definition of parkland fully protects existing, under construction, and planned parks in the City of San José."
Supporting the “Preserve Our Progress - Guadalupe River Trail” memo
To: San Jose Rules and Open Government Committee
"SCVAS and SCLP thus support the “Preserve Our Progress'' memo by Mayor Mahan and Council Members Davis and Torres, with the hope that the City Manager promptly implements a “no return zone” that prevents re-encampment along the Guadalupe River Trail. In addition, we hope the City prevents a subsequent expansion of encampments along the Guadalupe RIver south of Woz Way and north of Julian Street, and implements monitoring to quantify such potential impacts."
Informational update and providing feedback on the development of Valley Water’s Water Supply Master Plan 2050
To: Santa Clara Valley Water Board of Directors
"The Sierra Club appreciates any opportunity to provide input on the Water Supply Master Plan (WSMP) update, especially early in the process. Please consider the following comments and suggestions based on the information provided about the Plan update so far."
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds Athletic Fields
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, San Jose City Mayor and City Concilmembers, San Jose State University, and San Jose Earthquakes
"Please help the state of California, Santa Clara County, the City of San Jose, and our splendid local Earthquakes Soccer team lead the nation in both community sporting venues and in building sustainable playable non polluting athletic fields that use drought tolerant bermudagrasses or other grass hybrids with Dark Sky compliant lighting that support our children and our environment."
Notice of Preparation: Millbrae and Burlingame Shoreline Area Protection and Enhancement Project EIR
To: OneShoreline
"We diligently reviewed OneShoreline’s supporting documents to improve our understanding of the Project. Unfortunately, we encountered inconsistencies in the documentation, with numbered alternatives not aligning across various reports. Similarly, the feasibility report drew from analyses in prior reports that did not consistently address the same Project concept or feature. Although we acknowledge the evolving nature of the Project, the lack of a definitive Project description forced us to make assumptions about the intended alternatives and hindered our ability to provide precise scoping comments regarding specific features or locations."
Response to the Santa Clara County Health Department's letter on the public health risks of artificial turf
To: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
"Given the outdated nature and inaccuracies of the letter from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department, the SCLP recommends the letter be withdrawn. Because the public health and environmental impact of continued usage of petroleum products such as artificial turf can be devastating, we ask that the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors take time to thoroughly research the issue so that decisions will be based on the most current and reliable independent evidence-based information. We, the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club, stand ready to assist you, and we will be more than happy to provide you with the latest research on this critical issue."
Valley Water Community Outreach Plan
To: Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors
"On October 17, we sent the following suggestions to staff to provide specific ideas for consideration and possible implementation. Our suggestions include general outreach ideas, ideas for a series of BLOGs on the Water Supply Master Plans, and ideas for better outreach and communication about the Delta Conveyance Project."
2023.11.16 Letter to City of San Mateo regarding San Mateo Updated Housing Element
Requesting a submission extension for written comments to the NOP for the Millbrae and Burlingame Shoreline Area Protection and Enhancement Project EIR
To: OneShoreline Board of Supervisors
"We would like to provide useful comments on this project. To do so we need sufficient time to review and understand this newly-available information. Therefore, we respectfully request that the deadline for the submission of written scoping comments be extended by an additional two weeks."
Sea Level Rise Guidance for Cleanup Activities
To: Department of Toxic Substances Control
"We were pleased to see the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issue draft Guidance for their Project Managers on how to incorporate future sea level rise (SLR) into hazardous waste site remediation planning and implementation. Importantly, the Guidance applies not only to sites currently undergoing remediation planning and implementation, but also to sites that have already completed all required remediation but leave hazardous wastes still in place. Nonetheless, we believe the Guidance lacks the necessary specificity to ensure consistent interpretation and application of the Guidance, as well as public clarity about the criteria for certain determinations and mechanisms for accountability."
2023.10.23 Joint-letter to Los Altos, regarding Oct 24 meeting agenda item 6 (Dark Skies Discussion)
2023.09.27 Joint-letter to BAWSCA Re: Conduct hybrid in-person and livestreamed meetings
Supporting city-led community engagement process
To: Mayor Gee and Members of the City Council
"While we support staying with the original Westport Specific Plan, we support the staff recommendation that a city-led community engagement process should be used to update the Westport Specific Plan, if the Council is considering the possible repeal of the existing Westport Specific Plan. To emphasize the necessity of meaningful community engagement, we further acknowledge the Planning Commission’s recent unanimous recommendation that the City Council direct the applicant to engage in additional community outreach."
Recent revisions to the Ravenswood Business District Specific Plan Update framework
To: Community Development Director, City of East Palo Alto
"We commend the diligent work of City staff and its team of consultants to develop a thoughtful plan for the future of the RBD/Four Corners area and the City. We are particularly pleased to see that the RBDSP updates include protection of the public and private wetlands at the north east edge of the plan area. Reduced floor area ratios and the inclusion of stepped-back building heights and transition zones next to residential and shoreline areas are steps in the right direction, but do not allay all of our concerns. Please see our comments below regarding the recent plan updates as well as some continuing concerns regarding chemical hazards and community outreach."
Moffett Park Specific Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report
To: Mayor Klein and City Councilmembers
"We commend the diligent work of the City Council, City staff and its team of consultants to put forth a comprehensive and thoughtful plan for the future of Moffett Park. We acknowledge and appreciate the extensive research, refinement and public process that underlie the MPSP. Nevertheless, the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and associated updates to the MPSP did not allay some significant concerns. We strongly disagree with the EIR’s conclusion that increased use by 42,000 new residents and 60,000 new employees in the Moffett Park area will not have a significant impact on wildlife and habitat in existing park and open space adjacent to Moffett Park. We also disagree with the EIR’s comment responses asserting that the threat of bird collisions above 60 feet is minimal."
2023.07.03 Joint-letter to Assemblymember Luz Rivas opposing SB 423 unless amended
Prematurity of the New Redwood Life Precise Plan and EIR
To: Mayor Gee and Redwood City Council
"We believe that it is premature to start a new Precise Plan for the Life Sciences industry and especially the associated EIR because there are several items that are not yet adequately addressed."
2023.05.19 Letter to OneShoreline Project Manager regarding the Draft OneShoreline Planning Guidance Policy
2023.04.20 Letter to Redwood City Council regarding Bio-Safety Level 3 labs in Redwood Shores
2023.03.31 Letter to the Palo Alto City Council regarding the dedication of the Measure E site as parkland
2023.03.28 Letter to the San Mateo City Council regarding Land Use Heights and Densities, and Measure Y
2023.03.17 Letter to the San Carlos City Council recommending no BSL-3 labs in San Carlos
2023.03.13 Letter to the San Jose City Council regarding the Measure T Status Report
2023.01.27 Letter to the Palo Alto City Council Regarding 2023 Council Priorities
2023.01.22 Joint-letter to the Palo Alto City Council regarding the 575 Los Trancos Road Residential Project
2023.01.18 Joint-letter to the Gilroy Planning Commission regarding Electronic Billboards
2023.01.17 Letter to the Cupertino City Council regarding the Review of City Hall Decision
2023.01.09 Letter to San Mateo City Council regarding the San Mateo 2023-2031 Housing Element Updated Draft