Tribute Giving

Tribute giving

Honor someone you love by supporting critical work to protect our local environment. 

Tribute giving is a way to celebrate and honor people and events that are important to you. Your gift will help protect wildlife habitat, influence local environmental policies, educate environmental activists, and help people discover and fall in love with our amazing local nature. 

To make a tribute gift, please click on "make a tribute gift" below and please fill out the two appropriate fields on the donation form.

If you provide us with the recipient's email address, an acknowledgment featuring your name will be sent to them.

If you choose, we will send an acknowledgment in your name to friends or loved ones close to the individual being honored, informing them of the gift. The gift amount will be kept confidential. You may include a special note, if you wish.

An email will also be sent to you acknowledging the gift and confirming that notice of the gift has been sent. 

To arrange the follow-up details for your gift, please contact our Development Coordinator Justyna Guterman,

Thank you for your generosity, and for supporting our Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club in this thoughtful way!

                                                             Make a tribute gift