Become a Sponsor


2022 Benefit for the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter


Honoring Walter T. Moore

Become a sponsor for our 2022 Guardians of Nature Benefit for the Loma Prieta Chapter and partner with us to keep our region healthy. Our annual signature event celebrates exceptional individuals who dedicated their lives to the environment and gathers more than two hundred community leaders, elected officials, and other Sierra Club members and supporters. This year, we honor Walter T. Moore, the Peninsula Open Space Trust president. 

For businesses, this event will provide you with a unique opportunity to promote your business’ name and ethics to our more than 50,000 supporters who seek and embrace patrons of environmental protection. It is your chance to increase awareness, attract new dedicated customers, and build long-term loyalty.

All sponsors will be thanked via our chapter eNewsletter and social media channels featured on the event’s webpage, included in event materials, and acknowledged at the event. 

Purchase your sponsorship here.



Honorary Hosts

City of Mountain View Councilmember Margaret Abe-Koga, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Director Vicki Alexander, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Director Helen Chapman, Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez, Town of Atherton Councilmember Rick DeGolia, Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, City of Palo Alto Councilmember Eric Filseth, City of San Jose Councilmember Pam Foley, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Director Dr. Kalvin Gill, City of San Jose Councilmember Sergio Jimenez, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Director Alex Kennett, City of Hillsborough Vice Mayor Christine Krolik, City of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, City of Mountain View Councilmember Sally Lieber, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, City of San Carlos Councilmember Laura Parmer-Lohan, City of Mountain View Councilmember Lisa Matichak, California Assemblymember Kevin Mullin, 2019 Guardians of Nature Honoree Enid Pearson, San Mateo County Supervisor Dave Pine, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Director Mike Potter, City of Mountain View Mayor Lucas Ramirez, 2019 Guardians of Nature Honoree Emily Renzel, 2016 Guardians of Nature Honoree Lennie Roberts, Santa Clara County Supervisor and 2018 Guardians of Nature Honoree Joe Simitian, City of Morgan Hill Councilmember Rene Spring





Sierra Nevada Sentinel 

Mary Buxton and Ron Hess
Yosemite Hero
Alan and Irene Adler
Lisa Barboza and Brian Roach

Sequoia Champion
Sue Chow
Gladwyn D'Souza
Sid and Linda Liebes
Larry L. Lundberg
Joe Simitian, 
  Santa Clara County Supervisor and 2018 Guardians of Nature Honoree, 
  and Mary Hughes
Richard Simpson and Ann Reisenauer
Patricia Borga Suvari

Baylands Steward
Lisa and Shawn Britton
Brian Carr
Peter and Melanie Cross
Martin Degener and Ruth MacDonald-Degener
Rick and Karen DeGolia
Susan DesJardin
Katie Dunlap
Susan Dunn
Rebecca Eisenberg
Susan Ellenberg, Santa Clara County Supervisor
Mary Gill
Wayne and Judith Hooper
Jerry Hearn and Rebecca Reynolds
Sergio Jimenez, San Jose City Councilmember
Kristine Karnos
Arthur Keller
Ginny Laibl
Caroline Horn and Jeremy Minshull
Kevin Mullin, Assembly Speaker pro Tempore
Enid Pearson, 2019 Guardians of Nature Honoree
Lucas Ramirez, City of Mountain View Mayor 
Emily Renzel, 2019 Guardians of Nature Honoree
Bruce Rienzo
Lennie Roberts, 2016 Guardians of Nature Honoree
Johanna Schmid and Ed Reed
Charles and Jaime Schafer
Tara Sreekrishnan, Santa Clara County Board of Education Trustee