Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Chapter Honors Anna Eshoo at their 2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit

Anna Eshoo Honored for Environmental Conservation, by Loma Prieta Chapter’s Benefit

Palo Alto, CA, June 26, 2024: Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Chapter has selected Congressperson Anna Eshoo as their 2024 Guardians of Nature Honoree. The Guardians of Nature Benefit is an annual gala presented by the Loma Prieta Chapter to honor an environmental champion in San Benito, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. 

Each year, the Chapter’s Executive Committee, Political Committee, and Outings leadership nominate candidates for the next year's Guardians of Nature Honoree. The nominees and their reasoning for consideration are presented to the Executive Committee who ultimately selects the next Honoree. When selecting the 2024 Guardians of Nature Honoree, the Congresswoman was chosen unanimously and enthusiastically.

“In the Sierra Club we do get the opportunity to meet people who we can earnestly describe as extraordinary human beings, especially through our annual benefit. But this year's honoree is one of those that I was fortunate to observe before I became active with the Club - 22 years ago actually - when I witnessed her annual Student Advisory Board meeting in Palo Alto, an event of her own design that she started in 1993 and continues to today,” said Mike Ferreira, Loma Prieta Chapter Executive Committee Chair. “What I saw was a member of Congress chairing a meeting with those young people in a remarkably encouraging manner thereby drawing out their enthusiastic responses. I am convinced that all of those kids from all of those years are better citizens for having had that experience.  It is but one special memory of a truly extraordinary human being - Anna Eshoo - who we have had the good fortune to have as our Congressional Representative for three decades and who we wish to present as our Honoree this year.”

Chapter Director James Eggers said, “When I spoke with Congresswoman Eshoo by phone to inform her of the honor, she was literally speechless, which she said she nearly never is, then she said ‘This is the greatest honor of my life.’ The Congresswoman is ever gracious, so in response I must say that we believe her greatest honor is that she has served so well that her constituents have trusted and elected her to public office 16 times in a row.”

The 2024 Guardians of Nature benefit will be held on October 4, 2024, Friday 6:00 - 9:00 pm, at the Mitchell Park Community Center in Palo Alto. Tickets are available for purchase at our Early Bird discounted rate through September 8th. This year’s celebration marks the 10th Annual Guardians of Nature Benefit. Each year the Benefit honors an outstanding environmental Guardian and helps raise funds critical to ensuring that the Chapter fulfills its mission of safeguarding the local environment today and for generations to come.

About Anna Eshoo

Representative Anna Eshoo of California has consistently earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club due to her steadfast work on behalf of our local and global environment. In Congress, she has worked to promote clean energy, responsible development, and the preservation of natural habitats. She has supported tax credits for EV’s, minimum gasoline mileage requirements to reduce pollution, and the expansion of jobs in renewable energy. Anna has been a champion of Caltrain electrification which will lead to an environmentally cleaner and safer way to transport millions of people across the Bay Area. Thanks to her leadership, the California Congressional Delegation has secured $1 billion in funding for Caltrain. Anna has always opposed offshore drilling, and was co-lead on legislation that will impose carbon fees on polluters. Anna introduced legislation in 2015 to expand the California Coastal National Monument by the acquisition of the Cotoni-Coast Dairies lands in Santa Cruz County, including 500 acres of redwoods, 6 watersheds, and coastal terrace environment. Anna Eshoo also secured funding to purchase Bair Island, 1600 acres of natural wetlands and critical habitat,  which was added  to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  

About Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Chapter

The Loma Prieta Chapter is the local face of Sierra Club, serving San Benito, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. The Chapter offers opportunities to become involved and actively contribute time, talents, skills, and funds to the local environmental work of the Sierra Club. 

Learn more about Loma Prieta Chapter’s 2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit.