San Jose Stormwater Permit Requirements, Homelessness and Neighborhood Considerations

Joint letter logos

March 1, 2024

San Jose City Hall
200 E Santa Clara St
San Jose, CA 95113

Re: Item 3.5 on March 5 Agenda: Stormwater Permit Requirements, Homelessness and Neighborhood Considerations.

Dear Mayor Mahan and Councilmembers,

The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter support staff recommendations to develop and implement an Enhanced Neighborhoods and Waterways approach to addressing homelessness issues that ensures compliance with the NPDES Stormwater Permit and maintains acceptable levels of service in San Jose neighborhoods.

Together our organizations represent tens of thousands of supporters in Santa Clara County, including San Jose. Our members care deeply about natural ecosystems, wildlife, and protecting our environment. For decades we have been advocating for the integrity, environmental health and biodiversity of riparian and aquatic ecosystems in Santa Clara County and especially in San Jose.

In recent times, impacts of homeless encampments along San Jose waterways have been accumulating with trash, toxic debris and human waste, as well as erosion and denuding of riparian vegetation. The impacts have devastated ecosystems along the creeks and impaired water quality locally, downstream, and in the Bay. Clean-up efforts have removed millions of tons of trash, and yet the problem persists.

The people experiencing homelessness in these conditions and our waterways deserve better, and so do San Jose residents in all city neighborhoods.

We agree with the direction provided by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board that asks the City to prioritize abatement and cleanup efforts within a 500-foot buffer from waterways. We also appreciate the concern for the safety and quality of life in San Jose neighborhoods. For all of these reasons we support the staff recommendation.


James Eggers
Chapter Director
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter

Shani Kleinhaus
Environmental Advocate
Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society