Recommendations to the Forest Health Plan for Sanborn and Upper Stevens Creek County Parks

To the Honorable Members of the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County,

Regarding: Item 111 (ID# 114090) on the Agenda of the Board of Supervisors Meeting August 15, 2023.

Consider recommendations relating to the Forest Health Plan for Sanborn and Upper Stevens Creek County Parks.

Possible action: Adopt Resolution making California Environmental Quality Act findings, adopting a Mitigation and Monitoring Program, and approving the Sanborn-Upper Stevens Creek County Parks Forest Health Plan.

The members of the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Forest Protection Committee are residents of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

We need local forests to help forestall and reverse climate change now by increasing the amount of carbon sequestered and stored via long-lived trees and stable soils in both the short-term and long-term in order to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

We recommend the following amendments to the Forest Health Plan for Sanborn and Upper Stevens Creek County Parks.

  1. Increase carbon sequestration and storage in trees and soils as a goal of the Forest Health Plan.
  2. MRV (Measure Report and Verify) carbon sequestration and storage in trees and soils now and at periodic intervals in the future.
  3. Alter the Plan’s present management of the forest and soils in the future if the goal of maximizing carbon sequestration and storage is not met.
  4. Zero use of glyphosate herbicide to preserve the fertility and viability of soils, and human health.

We recommend that increased carbon sequestration and storage in trees and soils should also be a goal of future forest health plans.

Our intent is to preserve and protect mature and large trees (except hazard trees) and minimize any damage to soils.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide Public Comments on the Forest Health Plan for Sandborn and Upper Stevens Creek County Parks.


Karen Maki, Chair, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Forest Protection Committee
Kristen Lee
Susan Lessin
Jennifer Normoyle