Plastic Pollution Prevention

Our Mission

The Plastic Pollution Prevention Team seeks to drastically reduce and ultimately remove unnecessary plastic products known to harm the environment and public health.

Trash Lake Tahoe

Current Campaigns

Natural Plants and Grass, Not Plastic

In urban, suburban and open area landscapes we promote drought tolerant plants that support local fauna in place of artificial turf. We ask our members to write letters to their local and state elected officials, and to make public comments at relevant public government meetings.

Drought tolerant native yard .vs. Plastic turf strip

Drought tolerant, pollinator friendly yard

Plastic turf strip


On athletic fields we advocate for keeping functional drought tolerant grasses on sports fields in place of plastic carpeting.

Stanislaus State University Natural Grass Fields

“We are proud to have some of the nicest fields in the Central Valley … We water all our fields with recycled water from our drains that is also used in our five ponds on campus.”  Steven Flowers,  Associate Director of Athletics @ Stanislaus State University


Plastic turf bird nest, Fremont HS

Fremont High School, Worn out football field plastic turf, August 2023



Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act authored by Oregon Senator Merkley and California Congressman Huffman. This bill would "reduce plastic production, establish ambitious recycling targets, and protect communities" from health and environmental burdens, and shift the burden of cleanup to plastic producing corporations.

Add your name!


Sign a Petition to the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors from Mothers Out Front Silicon Valley to swiftly approve a draft ordinance prohibiting the installation of new artificial turf (plastic grass) on County-owned property, and to reject attempts to grandfather in projects under discussion. For more information see this letter to the Supervisors from both Green Foothills and the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter.

Plus! We ask our members to write letters to their local and state elected officials, and to make public comments at relevant public government meetings. 


Environmental Harm
Public Health Harm

Contact: Susan Hinton susan.hinton*