Executive Committee Meeting Standing Rules

Chapter bylaws require the Executive Committee (ExCom) to have meetings open to attendance by any Club member, with allowances for private sessions. The ExCom may convene in closed session to discuss sensitive matters, provided the vote or action is taken in open session. Meeting times and places will be posted on the Chapter Calendar and announced in the Chapter eNewsletter.

Therefore, we propose the following standing rules for ExCom Meetings. 

  1. Excom meetings must be posted to the Chapter calendar. 

  1. The calendar’s event meeting page must include a link to register for the meeting.  Interested registrants should fill out their registration details completely.  New registrations will trigger a notification to Chapter staff. Interested members may also contact a member of the Executive Committee, who will need to notify the Chapter Coordinator.

  1. Regardless of the method of registration, verification of membership will be done by Chapter Coordinator.

  1. To allow for such verification to be done in a timely manner, all registration requests must be received by the day before the Excom meeting. 

  1. Meeting agendas without the meeting link will be posted to the meeting’s Campfire event page and agendas with the link will be sent to registered guests at the same time that Excom members receive the agenda, or soon after they register for the meeting.

  1. Non-ExCom attendees may comment on items not on the agenda during the “Oral Communications” section of the meeting.

  1. Non-ExCom attendees who wish to comment on agenda items must notify the Chapter Coordinator in order to allow the meeting to proceed in a timely manner. 

  1. The time budgeted for non-Excom members to speak will be 3 minutes per person, except if there are more than 7 speakers, in which case the total allotment will be limited to 20 minutes during the entire meeting. For example, if 10 people request to speak at the meeting, for items both on the agenda or not, they will each only be allowed to speak for 2 minutes each.

  1. At the discretion of the Chair, non-Sierra Club members may be invited to attend the meeting during specific agenda items to contribute to the discussion.

  2. All meeting attendees must be respectful of other attendees.