ExCom Election Calendar (Draft)


This Draft Calendar was created for the purpose of showing all the necessary actions, and the amount of time required for each one, to hold a successful ExCom Election. The dates given were appropriate for the year in which this schedule was drawn up, and will likely change from year to year depending on the specific circumstances present in any given year.

  1. Feb. ExCom Meeting
    Appoint NomCom and ElecCom Chairs and voting method

    The ExCom should decide whether to use electronic voting, either in parallel with paper ballots or instead of paper ballots. The schedule that follows here assumes parallel voting, since a hybrid election is likely to result in the greatest member participation. The ExCom must then appoint a Nominating Committee Chair and an Election Committee Chair.
  2. March ExCom
    The two Chairs present Committee members for approval

    The Committee Chairs must then appoint at least two other members with qualifications specified in the Chapter ByLaws, and present them to ExCom for approval. The Regional Groups must also form their own NomComs, however the ElecCom will preside for all entities.
  3. June ExCom
    NomCom presents calendar and requirements for approval

    The NomCom must draw up a calendar which includes all election-related activities and the dates they must be started and completed, and submit it to ExCom for approval. Each NomCom will set candidate requirements/qualifications, position descriptions, and standards for candidate statements; statements may optionally include a head and shoulders photograph of the candidate
  4. July 15
    Start of application/nomination process – start publicity

    The Chapter needs to start publicizing the Election, using material developed by the NomCom. Each NomCom solicits candidates for open seats on its ExCom per requirements in its bylaws. The NomCom is also the primary communication contact between candidates and the Chapter; they will need to answer all questions and ensure that submittals are complete. The goal is to recruit at least two more candidates than seats to be filled.
  5. Sept. 1
    Close of application/nomination period

    Each NomCom should review its list of candidates and meet to review each candidate’s qualifications, then prepare a summary of candidates chosen for submittal to ExCom.
  6. Sept. ExCom
    Report on selected Nominees – Start of petition period

    Each NomCom should report its list of selected candidates to its respective ExCom and to ElecCom. Each name should be accompanied by a candidate statement which meets the NomCom’s requirements for statements. By September 15 the NomComs must advise any rejected volunteer candidates of the right to become a candidate by petition. Blank petition forms may be obtained from NomComs.
  7. Oct. 1
    Close of Petition period - start ballot & voter list prep

    Completed petitions must be delivered to the ElecCom. Petitions must be accompanied by a candidate statement meeting the requirements set by the respective NomCom. NomComs then must validate candidates’ petition signatures.
  8. Oct. 15
    Final slate of candidates – Final ballot and websites prep

    The final slate of candidates should be complete. ElecCom then designs the ballot and makes arrangements with the printer, webmaster, and mailing service provider (as appropriate) for publication and distribution. Both ballot types shall include Candidate names, instructions on how to vote (on each respective type of ballot), location of information on each candidate, and how to complete the voting process. ElecCom obtains test output from the Club membership data base to check for errors and anomalies and to the extent possible, arranges to have errors corrected. A web page on the Chapter Website needs to be put up which contains information on how to vote on either type of ballot, and which includes the Candidates names and their statements.
  9. Nov. 15
    Voting starts – ballots mailed/websites up, publicity out

    Paper ballots will be printed and mailed and e-mail election notices will be sent to voters whose e-mail addresses are available through the Club membership data base. Mailings will include information on candidates and specific instructions for voting. The information on candidates may be in the form of links to candidate statements, which will have been posted on the Chapter web site in advance. Publicity needs to be sent out using material prepared by ElecCom and suitable for all forms of Chapter media.
  10. Dec. 15
    Close of voting

    Votes will be counted by ElecCom as soon as possible. Results will be reported immediately to the candidates and the respective ExComs. Candidates are entitled to be present (or have a representative present) during vote counting.
  11. Dec. 22
    Count Completed, winners declared

    Counts should be reported to the Secretary, who will then distribute the results to the ExComs, Candidates, and other interested parties. It is now time to celebrate!!!!

NomCom Functions

  1. Modify Calendar Template based on the current year dates, taking into account any special events which may conflict or require more time for tasks to be completed.
  2. Write up articles and short notices which can be used in our various media channels announcing the process, what ExCom does, and asking for volunteers at the start of the application process.
  3. Seek out candidates who might make exceptional members.
  4. Respond to applicants as applications are received; should include a thank you note, complete job description, puffery about what ExCom does and the satisfaction involved, and what is required in the way of a candidate statement/past history/application.
  5. Respond to applicant questions about process, how much work, etc.
  6. Select the most qualified candidates, hopefully two more than the vacancies which are to be filled for each position, and write up a report for ExCom.
  7. Notify the applicants of their status, and pass along the petition process to those who were not nominated.
  8. Collect and validate any petitions received.
  9. Hand over the final slates of candidates to the ElecCom.

ElecCom Functions

  1. Prepare printed and online ballots. Ballots should include voting instructions, location of candidate statements, and candidates’ names listed by position.
  2. Prepare a website with voting instructions for both paper and online ballots, and candidate statements for all candidates.
  3. Write up and distribute publicity asking for members to vote (incl. on Home page)
  4. Monitor the process, looking for any violation by candidates or problems that might arise. Take action to quickly fix any problems found, if possible.
  5. Acknowledge any complaints received from candidates. If a complaint involves an action that can/should be taken, ElecCom should undertake the action and notify the complainant of the action taken. If the complaint involves the process or actions taken by the NomCom or ElecCom which cannot be readily fixed the complainant must be advised of the formal process for resolving complaints which will be undertaken after the close of the election. Under no conditions should ElecCom become involved in discussions about the validity of the election or about actions involving one or more candidates since we do not want it to even appear that the Chapter is putting its thumb on the scale.
  6. At the close of voting the vote must be counted, hopefully using a computerized worksheet so that detailed analysis can be performed looking for duplicates and any other type of abnormality.
  7. The count must be written up and conveyed to the Secretary for release to the public.

Relevant Questions which may need to be addressed:

  1. What needs to be contained in Candidate Statements? Preliminary and Ballot ready?
  2. How do we confirm signatures on petitions?
  3. What should we list for candidate qualifications?
  4. What should go into an ExCom job description?