Every 8 years, California cities must plan for enough new housing to meet population and economic growth projections made by the State of California. The 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for our Chapter's cities and counties begins in 2023 and lasts until 2031. The 6th cycle requires much higher numbers of housing units than previous cycles. Our Chapter emphasizes in the letters below that:
- Cities are contributing to an imbalance between jobs and housing that is unsustainable.
- Cities are not providing for a sustainable "jobs/housing fit" within their city.
- Many cities are not coordinating plans for new commercial development with their Housing Element.
- RHNA numbers are not reflecting the anticipated housing need in relation to the real numbers of jobs that each city is approving.
- Cities should estimate a probability of development (p(dev)) for each site they propose for housing
- Commercial development proposals should be required to specify anticipated number of jobs created
- Sea level rise and wildfires should be a consideration in the Housing Element.
2022.09.01 Cover Letter for California Department of Housing and Community Development
2021.11.20 Housing Element Letter to San Jose
2022.03.25 Comments on Draft Redwood City Housing Element
2022.04.26 Comments on Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element, San Mateo