Honoring Congresswoman Anna Eshoo


Friday, October 4th

 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Mitchell Park Community Center

3700 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Join us for an inspiring evening at our annual Guardians of Nature Benefit to celebrate Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's remarkable environmental leadership as she retires from her role as the 16th Congressional District Representative.

Congresswoman Eshoo has been a steady environmental champion and Sierra Club's trusted friend throughout her career. She consequently won endorsements from our Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter for her tireless work promoting clean energy and preserving the environment.  

As you enjoy the company of the Loma Prieta Chapter friends, indulge in our delightful vegetarian options and wines perfect for toasting the Congresswoman’s environmental achievements. The evening will also feature an exciting online silent auction, where you can bid on a variety of exclusive items and experiences.

We eagerly anticipate welcoming you to the 2024 Guardians of Nature Benefit and celebrating together!



Honoree Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Representative Anna Eshoo, representing California’s 16th Congressional
District since 1993, has consistently earned the endorsement of the Sierra
Club due to her steadfast work on behalf of our local and global environment. As a senior member of the House Energy Committee, as well as the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, she has worked to promote clean energy, responsible development, and the preservation of natural habitats. Along with such initiatives as tax credits for EV’s and minimum mileage requirements to reduce gasoline pollution, she has supported legislation to expand the creation of jobs in renewable energy and in alternative non-carbon fuel sources. Anna has always opposed offshore drilling, and was co-lead on legislation that will impose carbon fees on
Anna firmly believes that climate change is an existential threat to our planet. To combat this trend, it is essential to preserve natural forests, preserves, and watersheds. Anna introduced legislation in 2015 to expand the California Coastal National Monument by the acquisition of the Cotoni-Coast Dairies lands in Santa Cruz County, including 500 acres of redwoods, 6 watersheds, as well as a coastal terrace environment, home to hundreds of species of native plants, as well as species ranging from the golden eagle to the western meadowlark to the Ohlone tiger beetle.
Anna Eshoo also secured funding to purchase Bair Island and add it to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. 1600 acres of natural wetlands, critical habitat for hundreds of species of birds, animals, and marine life, were restored and preserved. She further secured millions of dollars to enable the Army Corps to begin work that will protect the wetlands against flooding, and make natural habitats in the area secure for future generations.

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo


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Thank you to our 2024 Sponsor  



The logo of Google, which is the word Google with blue Gs, and red and an orange o, a green l, and a red e.




Event Committee

Wils Cain, James Eggers, Cindy Gallie, Justyna Guterman, Camille King, Barbara Muir, Joyce Wright, Joan Young

Contact us
Questions about the event and to volunteer: Justyna Guterman (Justyna.Guterman@sierraclub.org or 650-390-8494)

All proceeds benefit the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter. Ticket purchases and gifts to the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts.

Past Guardians of Nature Benefits 

Past Guardians of Nature Benefits