
Martha Alvarez - Latino Community Engagement Intern

Email:  martha.alvarez.sclp*       

Phone: 408.658.7743  

Martha Alvarez will graduate from San Jose State University in the Fall of 2015 with a BA in Political Science. Growing up in a poor community, Martha experienced the severity of living in a community where environmental issues negatively affected people.

She joined Sierra Club because she understands the importance of environmental justice. Working with the Sierra Club she can educate minority communities and provide them with the necessary tools needed to improve local environments.

On her time off Martha enjoys dancing and spending time with her friends and family.  












Ekpa Akpan – Sustainable Land Use & Environmental Impact Assessment Intern

Email:  ekpa.akpan.sclp*        Phone: 408.637.1694  

Ekpa Akpan is a graduate of the American Military University, Environmental Policy and Management Program. Born and raised in a small coastal town in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria, Ekpa was always acutely aware of the devastating social, economic and environmental impacts of pollution. Driven by early life experiences, Ekpa is very passionate about issues surrounding pollution prevention and mitigation through careful planning and sustainable development.

As a current resident of San Jose, California, Ekpa joined the Sierra Club to contribute her knowledge in environmental policy and sustainability towards the advancement of sustainable development in the region.

In her free time, Ekpa enjoys reading, playing music, and salsa dancing.  



2014 & 2015 Past interns

Chris Jones - Water Education and Advocacy Intern

Email: chris.jones.sclp*          

Chris Jones-Sims is his name, water education and advocacy is his game! A senior environmental studies student at CSU San Francisco, Chris is currently interning at Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter. Born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland, he has always felt close to the diverse natural settings the Bay Area offers.

He joined Sierra Club to use his knowledge as an Environmental Studies student to protect natural settings, particularly water resources, from the adverse effects of urbanization and development. With a proactive organization like the Sierra Club, he believes his efforts will produce meaningful results.

In his free time, he enjoys hiking in the Oakland and Berkeley hills (he recommends Sibley and Tilden trails!), biking through busy San Francisco streets and watching National Geographic documentaries.  


Deeya Ranjan - Zero Waste and Recycling Intern

Email:  deeya.ranjan.sclp*        

Deeya Ranjan has a certification in Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention from Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies, De Anza College. She holds a Masters in Business Administration (Marketing) degree from India. Deeya is passionate about solutions that reduce the usage and wastage of goods and commodities, so that natural resources are protected from being exploited and contaminated.

Deeya joined the Sierra Club to expand her knowledge on zero water and recycling. Her motto is “Be the Change you wish to see in the World”.

In her free time Deeya loves hiking (being with nature), dancing (way of expression) and reading.  


Ferhat Boudefoua - Environmental Impact Assessment Intern

Email:  ferhat.boudefoua.sclp*       

Ferhat Boudefoua, obtained his environmental technician from the Institute of Technology of Algeria (ITEEM) on 2006, Ferhat is currently a senior environmental studies student at San Francisco State University. Born in Algeria and moved to the Bay Area on 2008, he always believed that the only way for a bright future, if we are going to enhance the quality of the nature, is to get everybody involved.

Ferhat is currently interning at Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter in Environmental Impact Assessment. He joined Sierra Club Loma Prieta to expand his knowledge and learn how to mitigate or avoid harmful impacts on the environment.

In his frees time, he likes reading books, learning French language and playing soccer.  


Yang Han--Sustainable Land Use Intern

Email:  yang.han.sclp*         

After graduating from University of California, Irvine with a dual Master degree in Urban and Regional Planning & Transportation Systems Engineer in 2014,  Yang moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to look for opportunities to share her expertise. Yang believes that sustainable and compact development is the key in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our region. She also feels that smart land use and transportation planning can address our region’s health concerns by promoting walking, biking and public transit use as opposed to unhealthy daily long distance driving from home to work.

She found that the Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter was looking for a Sustainable Land Use intern and quickly seized the opportunity.

Yang loves traveling, painting, and enjoys Zumba and Yoga. She believes that the arts can keep the mind, body, and soul strong and beautiful.