We currently have the following focus areas.
Climate Action. Slowing climate disruption is a key priority for the Sierra Club and the Loma Prieta Chapter. Almost all of our efforts help slow climate disruption, from preserving open space to promoting transit oriented development in our cities. Our Climate Action Leadership Team (CALT) organizes and supports our Cool Cities' team efforts to limit climate disruption city by city within our region.
Contact: John McKenna jemsd8*gmail.com
Coastal Issues. For good stewardship of all coastal resources, appropriate land use, adherence to the provisions of the California Coastal Act and Local Coastal Programs, consistency with CEQA and other environmental laws, protection of endangered species and coastal wetlands.
Contact: Mike Ferreira michael.ferreira*lomaprieta.sierraclub.org
Forest Protection. For the preservation, protection, and restoration of the ecological integrity and native biodiversity of the forests of California, with efforts extending to include the forests of the United States and other regions of the world as appropriate, through education, advocacy, and political action. The Forest Protection Committee meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 pm, at the Peninsula Conservation Center.
Contact: Karen Maki 650/366-0577 karenmaki*earthlink.net
Open Space. The historic mission of the Sierra Club lies in the protection of imperiled open spaces either by protecting it from inappropriate development or supporting its acquisition and stewardship by public or private entities.
Contact: Conservation Committee Chair conservation*lomaprieta.sierraclub.org
Pacifica. The Pacifica Team is a city-based educator, advocate, and collaborator on city plans affecting the fragile coast and hillsides. This can be achieved through close scrutiny of official planning documents, providing public comment, joining forces with like-minded organizations (e.g. One Shoreline, 350.org, Fossil Free CA). Promoting nature-based and long-term solutions will be a guiding principle.
Contact: Nancy Tierney nhtierney*gmail.com
Pesticides. To educate our community about optimum, least toxic methods of pest control and the laws which regulate pesticide use.
Contact: Janet Hoffmann janet*hoffmann.net
Plastics Pollution Prevention. The Plastics Pollution Prevention Team seeks to drastically reduce and ultimately remove unnecessary plastic products known to harm the environment and public health. One current campaign is Natural Plants and Grass, Not Plastic!
Contact: Susan Hinton susan.hinton*lomaprieta.sierraclub.org
Sustainable Land Use (SLU). Promote creating walkable, climate-friendly neighborhoods which group new homes, jobs, and shops near transit stations and corridors to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from transportation (the largest source of emissions in the Bay Area) while greening our urban areas for health and biodiversity. The Sustainable Land Use Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Contact: Gita Dev gd*devarchitects.com
Water. To promote sustainable water supplies and sustainable water systems that are resilient to potential climate change impacts; support programs to change water conservation behavior and programs to incentivize the installation of efficient plumbing fixtures and water infrastructure; advocate for sensible laws, plans and programs that equitably balance water supply needs of cities, agriculture, and the environment; and respond to local issues related to these objectives. Current issues: Urban Water Management Plans, water efficiency, water recycling, grey water, water supply and desalination.
Contact: Conservation Committee Chair conservation*lomaprieta.sierraclub.org
Wildlife Committee. The wildlife committee advocates for the protection of wildlife (particularly special status species), wildlife habitat and movement corridors, and biodiversity in the face of pressures from the growing human population.
Contact: Martha Schauss conservation*lomaprieta.sierraclub.org